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中国人幽筷子用饭。Chinese eat with chopsticks.

他很少出往用饭。Seldom does he go out for dinner.

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她也在这里用饭吗?Does she want to have meals here too?

七点钟我将正在用饭。I'll be having dinner at seven o'clock.

我们出走用饭吧,好吗?。Let's go out to have a dinner, shall we?

若是你饿了,我们目前就去用饭。If you"re hungry, we can eat dinner now."

当地人坐在倾斜的桌子或座椅上聊天和用饭。Locals eat and chat on rickety chairs and tables.

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别忘了今晚我们被约请到表面往用饭。Don't forget. We're invited out to dinner tonight.

每当用饭时那小我私家皆叫猫坐正在桌前一同吃。At the meal time the cat sits at the table with him.

除夜多数人用饭,写字,工做皆趺左足。Most people eat, write, and work with their fight hands.

他们便坐下来,同一个远房表亲一起用饭。They sat down to meat with a distant cousin of the house.

米绨一边用饭勺给凯蒂盛了一盘子米饭,一边问道。Asked Mitthu as she ladled some rice onto a plate for Kanchi.

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用饭的时候,德国泡菜味和大蒜味争相散发。At meal times the odour of sauerkraut vies with that of garlic.

我们的房子不大,所以我们经常在客堂用饭。Our house isn't big , so we often have meals in the living room.

是晚,汤姆和塔米莎享用了一顿丰盛的大餐,这是他们12天以来第一次这么尽情地用饭。That evening, Tom and Tamitha ate a hearty dinner, their first in 12 days.

用饭时不要做些像打嗝或将肉汁倒在手指上与其他一些滑稽的工作。Never do silly things like burp or pour gravy on your fingers or something silly.

你真有才…邀请你和皮特去义乌的一祖传统餐馆用饭。I want to have lunch with you in an intional restaurant of YIwu if you have any time.

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偶然人们几天没有用饭借能够保存,但是出有水便没有可了。Sometimes people can live without food for several days. But nobody can live without water.

检查所有的时间表以确保所有员工的工作时间和用饭时间准确。Reviews all time sheets to ensure that team member working times and meal breaks are accurate.

当你用筷子用饭时,你可以将碗端到嘴边吃,特别是当你吃米饭时。When you eat with chopsticks, you can eat the bowl to her mouth, especially when you eat rice.