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但为什么是大熊猫?But why a panda?

大熊猫在踩高跷!It's a panda on stilts!

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萧宝。我的小大熊猫。Xiao Po. My little panda.

大熊猫是稀有的动物之一。Panda is one of the scarcest animals.

大熊猫如何靠竹子存活?How Do Giant Pandas Survive on Bamboo?

大熊猫能够得救吗?潘文石对此坚信不疑。Can the panda be saved?Pan believes so.

笼子里的大熊猫贴在栅栏上蹭它的身体。The caged panda chafed against the bars.

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箭竹的嫩叶子是大熊猫的主要食物。Giant pandas mainly live on arrow bamboo.

在动物学上,大熊猫属食肉目。In zoology, the giant panda is Carnivora.

首先我们去卧龙看了大熊猫。First, we went to see the pandas in Wolong.

大熊猫的性情很温顺。Giant pandas have very docile temperaments.

大熊猫几乎非竹不食。Almost exclusively, Giant Pandas eat bamboo.

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隐居大熊猫的镜头很罕见。Shots of the reclusive giant panda are rare.

美国已成功引进饲养了一对中国的大熊猫。A couple of pandas have naturalized in America.

澳大利亚喜迎来自中国的两只大熊猫。Australia welcomes two giant pandas from China.

然而,即使在这些保护区内,大熊猫也往往惨遭偷猎者的毒手。But even in these the panda were prey to poachers.

这只大熊猫看起来在啃倒一根台球杆。This panda looks like he's chewing down a pool cue.

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这对大熊猫是2003年“永明”和“美美”所生。The pair were born to Yong Ming and Mei Mei in 2003.

正如你知道我爱亚洲,而亚洲有大熊猫。As you know I love Asia and in Asia there are pandas.

但是正如我所说的,我们的工作不仅仅是保护大熊猫!But as I said, we work on much more than just pandas!