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快!我们已经赶不及这场电影。Quick! We're already late for the movie.

我们赶不及印刷商的最后期限了吗?Are we too late for the printer' s deadline?

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这个妈妈说,如果她没这麽做的话,儿子可能赶不及上课。She said if she didn't, he might not make it to class.

我一定赶不及九点上班。我老板会气炸了。I won't get to my job by nine o'clock. My boss will be angry.

我在拔雉野鸡的毛,因为拔雉野鸡毛的人赶不及将雉野鸡毛拔掉。I am only plucking pheasants 'cause the pheasant plucker's running late.

总之是漫长的一天,因为到得太晚,也赶不及开车前往旗鱼湾了。All in all, a long day, arriving too late to make the drive to Sailfish Bay.

很可惜,鸽子赶不及回来,常常有事不能来。Was a pity very much that the pigeon misses, has the matter not to be able frequently to come.

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妈妈把他们送出了家门,“你们要小心,不要赶不及回来喝茶。”Mummy waved them off from the door. "You be careful, " she said to the children. "And don't be late for tea.

我的家里有力量训练的用具,如果我工作太晚赶不及去健身房,也可以在家里补回来。I have a home strength training equipment, if I can not finish work too late to the gym , you can back up at home.

卡里德.博拉鲁斯即将从肩膀脱臼归来,但仍然赶不及为这周末于后防增添变数。Khalid Boulahrouz's imminent return from a dislocated shoulder will come too late to increase permutations at the back this weekend.

顾曼向朵索解释说阿萨内是为了送自己去医院所以赶不及,朵索挣开手向董追去。Gu Man explained to one line is to take yourself to the hospital within said athar, so ihave to recover to dong, one rope broken hand.

但是冬季就快来临,如果每个人还是继续以一只手放在背后来工作的话,不管是屋子或是农作物都将赶不及准备好。But winter was coming and neither the houses nor the crops would be ready if everyone continued to work with one arm behind their back.

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如赶不及在两星期前办妥,则请留待比赛当日在特定舵手聘用摊位以现金办理。Otherwise if such deadline cannot be met, please spare the check but pay by CASH at the designated steersman booking booth on the race day.

一般申请的资料要在签证到期前的60-90天提交,不然就有可能赶不及在你旧的签证到期前收到新的签证。Check the expiry date on your permit, and make sure you renew or "Change the Conditions" of your Study Permit at least 60-90 days before the expiry date.

姜蓉发现时已赶不及阻止,危急之际,淑梅只好将手机扔上游艇,让姜蓉自行想办法应付。Grated ginger has found ihave to stop, the eleventh hour, shu mei had to mobile phones on the yacht, let grated ginger to find a way to deal with themselves.