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机场没有滞留。No holdups at the airport.

还有很多持旅游签证,逾期滞留。Many others overstay their tourist visas.

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现在有三百难民滞留在比瑞奥村。Three hundred refugees now live in Birao.

滞留全班学生是不公平的。The detention of the whole class was unfair.

这样它们就滞留在了头发上,即使是洗发液也无法将它们冲洗掉。They stay in your hair even through shampooing.

空气渗进了肺部的外表,并滞留在肺里。The air seeps out into the skin and gets trapped.

数千名的旅客仍然滞留丹佛机场。Thousands of travelers are still stuck in Denver.

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格列奥不被人们喜爱而大量滞留在货架上。Goleo has remained unloved and largely on the shelf.

因为生命不会倒行,也不会滞留于往昔。For life goes NOT backward NOR tarries with yesterday.

因为生命无法倒流,也不会滞留于昨日。For life goes not backward not tarries with yesterday.

凝冻天气致云南昭通数千车辆滞留。Icy weather strands thousands of vehicles in SW China.

普拉德霍湾以外的滞留北极熊。Stranded polar bears on Cross Island outside Prudhoe Bay.

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探讨温病湿热证病邪易滞留气分,缠绵难愈的病理机制。To explore the mechanism of fever in damp- heat syndrome.

时有300名病人滞留双叶医院。There were some 300 patients remaining at Futaba Hospital.

公司作为一个整体是滞留在腐朽心态的窠臼里的。Companies as a whole are stuck in the rut of an old mindset.

我们必须弃置这些方式,使之滞留在原有的位置──成为过去。We must leave these methods where they belong – in the past.

刺客完成任务后,几乎不会滞留在案发地。Assassins seldom hang around after they finish an assignment.

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那么,火山引起的航班滞留到底还要持续多久呢?So how long will the volcano continue to keep flights grounded?

气肿因空气滞留而引起的体组织的不正常的扩张。An abnormal distention of body tissues caused by retentionofair.

在伦敦滞留期间我参加了狂欢节,那真是太不可思议了。In the days in between I went to the carnival. It was marvelous.