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她偏离主题去做南瓜饼了”之后,他很快就放下了警惕。She deviated to pumpkin bread.

飞机飞行偏离了航线。The plane flew off the course.

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他偏离了主题。He deviated from the main theme.

谁能偏离并且胜过他Who can deviate and do better here?

他在偏离大道。He was diverging from the main road.

证人偏离了事实真相。The witness deviated from the truth.

在这种情况下,踢球部位偏离中心。In this case, the impact is off-centre.

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自然常偏离正轨。Nature often misses the mark," he says.

没有人想要偏离这一点Neither has any incentive to move away.

船在最后一分钟偏离航道。The ship sheered off at the last minute.

不要使我偏离到懒惰和骄傲。Draw me not aside to indolence and pride.

到此为止,她还没有完完全全偏离自己的轨道。She has not veered wholly off-course—yet.

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季风性降雨偏离的正常流域Monsoons shift away from normal watersheds

你从来不偏离这些路径的。You never strayed from those paths at all.

事实上,这是更加普遍的偏离情况。In fact, this is the more common deviation.

这种争论使我们偏离正题。This argument leads us away from the topic.

那将会使你的身体偏离生物力学。That will throw off your body’s biomechanics.

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变异修辞亦称常规修辞的偏离形式。Variated Rhetoric is the deviation of rhetoric.

强劲的侧风把飞机吹得偏离了航线。Strong cross-winds blew the aircraft off course.

那架飞机只好偏离正常的航线。The plane had to deviate from its normal flight path.