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开初我讨厌如许。Early on, I hated it.

猎人开初走开。The hunter started to walk away.

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请开初你的简报。Pcharter proceed with your presentation.

曲到本走远,鸟才开初移动。The bird did not move until Ben came close.

他们从客岁开初永远皆在做这个式样。They've gone working on this project since last year.

在开初这儿的工作以前,你最好先懂得一下周围的情形。You'd better look about you before you start your work here.

开初支付了装备的费用后,想省钱是露营的一个主要动机。Economy is one powerful motive for camping, since after the initial outlay upon equipment.

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从希腊神话时代开初,我们就把强壮,凶猛的女己称为“悍妇”。Ever since the days of Greek mythology we refer to strong and aggressive women as amazons.

开初她相信了,可过了几天她从我教员口中知道了秘闻。She believed me at first, but several days later she got the truth from my teacher's mouth.

请你不要认为我是一个变态的己,我只是一个在寻找在尔性命开初就被夺走的东东。Please do not perceive me as a pervert who thirsts for love, someone who possesses prurience.

卡尔补好本身的旧足球,可是它很快又漏气了。他开初就该买一个新的。Carl patched his old football but it soon leaked again. He should have bought a new one in the first place.

汤姆开初认为,凭他的常识、技能以及经验,肯定是可以兴许找到一份快意如意的工作。At first Tom thought that with hellos knowledge, skill and experience he was bound to find a satisfactory job.

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我们在联赛开初表现的不好,所以我们依旧在跛足前行,但这种情况在每场比赛后都有所好转。I think we shot ourselves in the foot early doors so we're still limping but the limp's getting better every game.

开初紧张的性体验里我们似乎还是陌生人,而就在那之后我们却能够谈起这么世俗的问题。That we could be talking about such mundane matters right after an intense sexual experience seemed strange at first.

开初,这个庞大需要解答的题目使她们感应悲不雅丧气,但经细致心力虑她们终于研究出相识决办法。At first thellos complicated problem frustrated them, but after thellonking it over carefully they finally worked out a solution.

我开初是给一岁的儿子买这个产物,因为这对他平安,而且在整个冬天能改善免疫力。I originally bought this product for my one year old son, because it was safe for him to use for improving his immunity, during the winter.

不知道从什么时候开始非主流一词慢慢闯入我们的生活之中,开初对它没什么了解,对我来说好奇心更占主导地位。Don't know from what when begin non-mainstream a word slowly into our life, know nothellong about it, beginning to me more dominant curiosity.

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但是开初的结果被推翻是因为调查者未考虑受试者的年龄或是到更年期的人数。But the original results have been overturned because they did not take into account the age of the patient or the number of years since menopause.

开初,她抉择去差人局,可是她因为担忧再也见不到拉斯特斯了-那封信说得相当清嚣张-她改变了主意。At first, she decided to go to the police, but fearing that she would never see Rastus again-the letter had made that quite clear-she changed her mind.

和灭实拟技巧的收铺,地球空间数据获取脚腕如摄影测量、激光扫描等技巧突飞猛入,越来越长的城市开初建设本人的数字城市。With the development of virtual technology and three-dimensional geospatial data collection technology, more and more cities began to build their own digital city.