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成熟而清新爽利。Ripe but refreshing on the palate.

情急之下,毕竟是母语用的爽利,但老子直接无视!In desperation, after all, is the native language of crisp, but I ignored!

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散发香料和新鲜水果的芳香,口感馥郁,带有薄荷芬芳的爽利尾韵。The attack in the mouth is supple and reveals a fresh finish with mint aromas.

此酒汲取了白苏维翁特有的清新、爽利的活跃特质,毋需橡木发酵。Captures the fresh crisp characters of this lively variety without any need for oak maturation.

口感十分浓郁,酒体结构适中,伴有的微酸爽利活跃。Displays quite intense flavor and a good, medium-bodied structure, coupled with lively acidity.

乳脂般的口感恰倒好处,与爽利的柠檬果酸达到完美平衡,令其回味清新纯净。The creamy mid palate is balanced with zesty lemon rind acidity, ensuring a clean fresh finish.

此酒稍适冰镇后饮用醇香味美,浆果芬芳与精致爽利的口感完美结合。Enjoy lightly chilled to savor the delicious berry fruit aromas and the delicate, crisp flavors.

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口感平衡,蜜瓜、核果的精致口味与爽利的果酸颇为和谐,回味适中。Well-balanced palate with delicate melon and stone fruit characters, crisp acidity and medium length.

回味富含蜂蜜与梨子口味,青苹果芬芳令其口感清新爽利。On the palate, flavors of honey, pears on the finish, green apples that leave the mouth clean and fresh.

酒体适中,口味浓郁,果酸宜人,令此酒回味清新爽利,颇为宜人。On the palate this wine is medium bodied, with pleasant acidity intensifying the fresh, lingering finish.

酒体适中,热带果味与橡木味道达到完美平衡,回味清新爽利。A medium-bodied wine with an excellent balance between the tropical fruit oak flav s, a lovely fresh finish.

调整完毕后,启动发念头,检查换挡是否平稳、爽利、有无滑磨或异响。Adjust finished, start sending idea, check whether smooth, acidity shift, presence of friction or squeak& rattle.

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酒体适中,热带果味与橡木味道达到完美平衡,回味清新爽利。A medium-bodied wine with an excellent balance between the tropical fruit and oak flavors, and a lovely fresh finish.

香气芬芳馥郁,果酸爽利,水果口味颇为精致,令其回味略干,且十分平衡。Fragrant, intense aromas with crisp acidity and delicate fruit flavors lead to a pleasantly dry and well balanced finish.

会面中的照片显示他看起来精神很好,身着一件爽利的纽扣衬衫并长出了一些胡子。Photographs taken at the meeting showed him to be looking well, in a crisp button-down shirt and a slight growth of beard.

口味甘美,有着天鹅绒般的质感,高品质的果酸成就了其清新爽利的回味。The palate is luscious with a velvety mouth feel and the high level of acidity ensures a clean, fresh finish that lingers.

酒体适中,口味浓郁,果酸宜人,令此酒回味清新爽利,颇为宜人。On the palate this wine is a medium bodied, with a pleasant acidity intensifying the wine's freshness and pleasant, lingering finish.

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充满典型的桃香,清新,爽利,果香十足并带有微妙的辛香,悠长的回味中带有浓郁的水果芳香。Filled with the typical peach aroma, fresh, refreshing, full of fruit and spice with a subtle, long aftertaste with a rich fruit aroma.

此款酒拥有纯美的淡黄色酒体,复杂优雅的果香味交融着淡淡的奶油气息,新鲜的口味与爽利的果酸和谐一致,余香悠长,令人如痴如醉。Nice yellow robe. Complex and fruity nose with buttered notes. The mouth is fresh and suave with a nice acidity and a surprising length.

此酒优雅而又爽利,醋栗的成熟口味与热带水果口味相得益彰。回味持久,略带一丝青草味道。An elegant but crisp wine with ripe, gooseberry flav son the fe palate backed by tropical fruits a hint of grassiness that lingers on the aftertaste.