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员工意见箱。Staff suggestion box.

摈弃意见箱。Ditch the suggestion box.

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有段时间我甚至设了意见箱。I even had a suggestion box at one time.

我等待着来自意见箱的评价。I substituted chicken for beef, and awaited comments from the suggestion box.

敬请各位家长与贵子弟讨论后为每一学生填写一份问卷﹐并于注册时投入意见箱。Please fill out a survey for each student enrolled and return the forms during registration.

敬请各位家长与贵子弟讨论后为每一学生填写一份问卷﹐并于注册时投入意见箱。Please do fill out a survey for each student enrolled and return the forms during registration.

为方便客户,银行应在大厅里设置一个意见箱。As a measure of convenience to the customers, a SUGGESTION BOX shall be provided in the banking hall.

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“员工意见箱”可以是物理上的,虽然现在多半是以电子的方式实现的。"Staff suggestion boxes" could be physical, although more often than not are now implemented electronically.

有些雇主会设置意见箱,甚至有些还会为提供意见的同事给予额外的奖励,这样能使一项任务更高效,还能创造更多收益。Some employers have suggestion boxes, and some even offer bonuses for suggestions that make a task more efficient or profitable.

放置在医院走廊意见箱,意见卡供应在退出患者,并聘请主张征求病人的不满。Hospitals place suggestion boxes in the corridors, supply comment cards to exiting patients, and employ patient advocates to solicit grievances.

我们已经在学生会门口放置了一个意见箱,如果你有任何意见或建议,你可以通过意见箱告知学生会。If you have any suggestions or would just like to state your views, please let the committee know by dropping the enclosed suggestion form into the box.

各中文网站的关于怎样在通胀时代省吃俭用的意见箱里循环着各种各样的笑话。Jokes circulating on Chinese-language websites offer suggestions on how to save money in inflationary times. "Tell disgusting jokes to stop your wife from eating, " says one.

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除了这些服务,“超市”还提供一个服务间,一个咨询室和意见箱,一部回答问题的热线电话。Apart from these services, the "supermarket" has also set up a training room, a law consultation room and a suggestion box, as well as a telephone hotline to answer questions.

意见箱是一个很好的途径,能让你的员工真正的写出他们遇到的问题并且能交给某人手里,然后就可以和他面谈去讨论这些问题了。A comment box is a great way to allow your employees to actually write out their issues and submit them to an individual who can then later meet with the employee to discuss the issues.