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展览会明天开幕。The exhibition will open tomorrow.

其中最早开幕的是「巴莎诺瓦餐饮会馆」。The first cafe to open was Bossa Nova.

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行动党莲花苑社区中心开幕了!DAP Teratai Community Centre is now Open!

大会于开昨天开幕。The conference was inaugurated yesterday.

大会在国歌声中开幕。The meeting began with the national song.

他来参加开幕典礼吗?Is he coming to the inauguration ceremony?

展览开幕怎麽会会嫌人太多呢…No such thing as "too many" at an opening.

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广州亚运会的开幕日期是几月几日?What's the start date of the Asian Gamess?

这是一个新展览的开幕之夜。It's the opening night of a new exhibition.

三门峡赛格电脑城何时开幕?Sanmen Gorge Saige computer city when opens?

不错,残奥会不久就要开幕了。That's right. The Paralytics will open soon.

大会今天上午开幕了。The conference was inaugurated this morning.

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于协和广场荃湾店已正式开幕。Tsuen Wan Shop at G41 Concord Square opened.

会议于昨天隆重开幕。The conference was solemnly opened yesterday.

我们的历险热热闹闹的开幕了。Our adventure kicked off with a rousing start.

剃刀博物馆瓦德在开幕关厂。Razor museum wad opened within the Seki Plant.

它已于7月1日开幕,跨度为41.58公里。That opened on July 1 and spans 41.58 kilometers.

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展览会开幕的日期延迟了。The opening of the exhibition has been postponed.

第三届G20峰会在匹兹堡开幕。The third G20 Summit has kicked off in Pittsburg.

“北京国际民间友好论坛”在北京开幕。Beijing kicks off people-to-people exchange forum.