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针叶萎凋病就是一例。One example is the needle blight.

这条路上铺满了冷杉针叶。The road was covered with fir needles.

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针叶上裹着冰晶,像穿着洁净的夹克衫。Ice encased each of the needles in a clear jacket.

背面花萼具针叶象一样皮刺。Abaxial surface of calyx with needle-like prickles.

六月份时,一些针叶科植物如杜松可进行盆栽。Some hardy plants such as junipers can be potted in June.

中国松属针叶的比较解剖观察。Anatomical studies of the leaf structure of Chinese pines.

针叶樱桃粉原料进口自法国。Acerola Extract powder Raw material is imported from France.

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以常绿植物的嫩芽和针叶为食的北美松鸡。North American grouse that feeds on evergreen buds and needles.

幼虫共8龄,每头幼虫取食针叶60根左右。The larva has 8 instars, and one larva feeds on about 60 needles.

针叶类树包括松树、杉树、云杉、红木、刺柏,等等。Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, cedar, etc.

针叶类树包括松树、杉树、云杉、红木、刺柏,等等。Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, cypress, etc.

针叶类树包括松树、杉树、云杉、红木、刺柏,等等。Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, juniper, etc.

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针叶类树包括松树、杉树、云杉、红木、柏树,等等。Conifer tree style such as pine, fir, spruce, redwood, arborvitae, etc.

大约一半是驯鹿猎人住在针叶树木地带的山里。About half are reindeer herders of being up in the Tiger Taiga mountains.

一颗小小的针叶樱桃,其维他命C含量等同四个鲜橙。One tiny acerola cherry has vitamin C equal to that found in four oranges.

本实验是在周心铁老师研究的基础上对针叶束水培生根试验研究的一个补充。This experiment is a supplement to Zhou Tiexin' s research based on his theory.

这是有多快,今夕已变成了往昔,时光扫去了它路上的所有针叶。How quickly the present becomes the past and time sweeps all needles from its path.

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英语中,在橡树中,我们区分了针叶橡树,在熊科里,有北美棕熊。In English, among the oaks, we distinguish the pin oak, among bears, grizzly bears.

马尾松无菌小苗针叶束基部潜伏芽诱导中细胞分裂素的作用效果以KT为佳。KT has superior effect for the induction of the dormant buds among other cytokinins.

漂白浆的强度达到了漂白硫酸盐针叶木浆的国家标准A等。Those of KP bleached pulp reached A grade national standard of bleached softwood KP pulp.