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这是棱锥体吗?。Is this a pyramid?

他认为它会去和棱锥蛋糕。He thought it would go well with the pyramid cake.

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专业生产茶和咖啡包装、棱锥形茶包。Specializing in tea and coffee packaging, pyramid tea bag.

柱形棱锥图在柱形图中使用棱锥形数据标记。A pyramid column chart uses pyramid data markers in a column chart.

轴棱锥是产生无衍射光束的最有效光学元件之一。Axicon is one of the most efficient elements to generate Non-diffraction beams.

时,逐步形成以B_2O_3双棱锥体分子相互连接而成的链状结构。Above 600℃, a chain-like structure is formed, which is composed of B2O3 bipyramids.

例如,您可能希望从底部向顶部、一部分一部分地将棱锥图图表设置成动画。For instance, you might want to set a pyramid diagram to animate, section by section, from the bottom up.

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为在河床上修筑坝体,在24内向河底沉入了1765个混凝土棱锥体。In order to dam the bed of the river 1765 concrete pyramids were shifted down to the botton during 24 hours.

数值模拟结果表明,涡旋光束经过轴棱锥聚焦后可获得高阶贝塞尔光束。Numerical calculations show that after focused by the axicon, a vortex beam can convert into a high-order Bessel beam.

比如说,他们可以制造出立方体需要的可90度折叠的铰链,或者棱锥体需要的可120度折叠的铰链。For example, they can create a hinge that folds 90 degrees for a cube, or a hinge that folds 120 degrees for a pyramid.

全塔成九层八面棱锥体,雄浑古朴,体现了劳动人民的建筑才能。The whole nine-storey tower into octahedral pyramid body, powerful simplicity, embodies the working people to the building.

利用几何光学的光线追迹法形象地描述了轴棱锥透镜系统产生局域空心光束过程。Theprocess of the bottle beam generated from an axicon-lens system is described by a novel method based on the ray-tracing.

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由衍射理论和几何光学方法出发,分析了圆轴棱锥的斜入射和椭圆轴棱锥的正入射对产生贝塞耳光束质量影响的等价性。Beam′s oblique incidence and manufacture error of an axicon have a great influence on the quality of zero-order Bessel beams.

本论文主要是探讨激光光束经过轴棱锥转换后产生的无衍射光束的传输特性和聚焦特性。In this thesis, the properties of the free-space propagation and focus were studied when a beam propagates through an axicon.

利用惠更斯菲涅耳衍射积分理论推导了涡旋光束经过轴棱锥聚焦后所获得的聚焦光强分布。The focusing intensity distribution of vortex beams with axicon by using Huygens-Fresnel diffractive integral is investigated.

利用衍射积分理论,导出平面波通过轴棱锥后的光场分布。By using the theory of diffracting integral, the optical field distribution of plane waves passing through an axicon is derived.

室内空间被有角的双层高的空隙打断,屋顶上的天窗点亮了室内,创建了类似截棱锥的形式。The interior space is punctuated by angular double-height voids lit by skylights on the roof, creating truncated pyramid-like forms.

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这种技术不需要直接接触到材料就制造出一系列模型,如立方体、棱锥体。This technique can be used to create a variety of objects, such as cubes or pyramids, without ever having to physically touch the material.

为满足工程需要,在广泛论证参考文献“锥形钢管杆的稳定分析”的基础上,导出一整套棱锥形钢管杆挠度计算公式。Technical analysis for computation accuracy as well as mechanical performance of cone shaped and pyramid shaped steel tube pole are also performed.

提出了一种使用多棱锥镜和多棱台镜产生多束相干光形成二维和三维光学格子的方法。A method of producing 2D and 3D optical lattices with multi-beam interference by using the pyramid lens and the top-chopped pyramid lens is proposed.