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将军重蹈林肯覆辙,坐上了死刑的电椅。The General met Lincoln’s original fate, the electric chair.

我是一个十岁男孩的姐姐,他正忙于重蹈我的覆辙。I am the sister of a ten-year-old boy who is busy making them now.

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马苏德说,新政府现在非常小心,不想重蹈穆沙拉夫的覆辙。Masood says the new government is being careful not to follow the same path.

小麦价格飞涨是否意味着人类将重蹈2007-08年间粮食危机的覆辙?Do soaring wheat prices mean we're headed for a repeat of the 2007-08 food crisis?

如果中国想避免重蹈陷于不景气状态的日本的覆辙,就必须走一条与日本不同的道路。China must go a different way if it wants to avoid the stagnation that besets Japan.

过往朝廷覆辙在前,我想大清不还阳的那天了。Given the turnover of dynasties in the past, I don't think the Qing could be revived.

美国能避免继续重蹈过去金融危机和经济衰退的覆辙吗?Can the U.S. avoid continuing down the deep rut of past financial crises and recessions?

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但是若蹈中国的覆辙,把整个欧洲的将来抵押在中国的借款上,欧洲很可能会陷入更深的危机。But the alternative, of mortgaging Europe's future with Chinese loans, might prove worse.

如果布朗做出妥协,那么很有可能会重蹈1970年代工资-物价盘旋上升的覆辙。If he gave in to such demands, the result really could be a 1970s-style wage-price spiral.

当杰克逊走上法庭时,他并没有重蹈前人的覆辙,这算是另一个进步的迹象。That Jackson wasn't railroaded once he entered the courtroom is another indicator of progress.

我们不能低估他们,但是我们将会看看他们再次重蹈维甘比赛的覆辙。We cannot under-estimate them but we'll see if they perform again like they did against Wigan.

抱着这样希看的人,终于摆脱了冷战思维,要是再重蹈冷战覆辙,真是太傻逼了。Having finally escaped the yoke of the Cold War, it would be extremely stupid to reinstitute it.

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但是阿姆斯特朗肯定不希望重蹈他美国同胞肯·雷的覆辙。But Mr Armstrong must hope not to follow the example of a fellow American who reassumed the top job.

安倍宣称,此行是为“告慰死者”,并展示“不再重蹈战争悲剧覆辙的决心”。Abe claimed that the trip is to "pay respect to the dead" and showcase "his resolve to refrain from war".

埃蒙斯在最后一枪因紧张而提前扣响扳机,错失唾手可得的金牌,重蹈四年前的覆辙。Emmons threw away a gold medal on his final shot when he nervously pulled the trigger a split second too soon.

为避免重蹈“猪肉门”覆辙以及食品安全威胁的努力只会使公司成本增加。Efforts to avoid a repeat of the mislabeling scandal, and stave off food safety threats, can only add to costs.

与此同时,中国正加紧发展其海洋石油开采力,李毅和冯洁希望中国不要重蹈美国覆辙。As China steps up its extraction capabilities, it is hoping to avoid America's mistakes, say Li Yi and Feng Jie.

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我国当前的刑事政策有重蹈“以刑去刑”政策覆辙的危险。Our country current criminal policy has steps again the policy of executing cruel torture to decrease crime rate.

希望奥巴马政府再一次的错误政策不会重蹈罗斯福的覆辙,产生长期灾难性的影响。Hopefully Barack Obama’s misreading of Asia will not have the disastrous long-term impact of Theodore Roosevelt’s.

不要在重蹈上一场下半场的覆辙,让人家不断的冲击内线,不断的赢得罚球的机会,以至于自己辛辛苦苦建立的领先优势化为乌有。Not a repeat of the second half when Utah camped out at the free-throw line, scored inside and mucked up the flow.