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我想要闻闻玫瑰的幽香。I want to smell the roses.

在生物实验室不要闻任何东西。Don't SMELL anything in a biology lab.

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有时,真正的要闻指向的是那些不会发生的事情。Sometimes the most important news is what is not happening.

我每天看报纸,对时事要闻有所了解。I read the newspaper everyday and I'm up-to-date on current events.

然后有24名男性闻了这些泪水,同时,他们也要闻一种含盐溶液。Twenty-four men were then asked to sniff the movie tears or a saline solution.

凡做香和这香一样,为要闻香味的,这人要从民中剪除。Whoever makes any like it to enjoy its fragrance must be cut off from his people.

我在“纽约杂志社”做过,这个杂志专门报道纽约要闻。I have worked at "New York Magazine", which is a magazine about things going on in New York.

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精选与创意有关的国际要闻,将创意世界最新动态掌控自如。Select international news on creativity to keep you well abreast of the latest happenings in the world.

您还可以连接无线高速网络轻松上网,或者通过42英寸高清液晶电视了解时事要闻或欣赏国内外电视节目。Stays connected with WiFi or enjoy one of the many satellite TV channels on the 42-inch flat-screen TV.

一起爆炸事件常常作为头条广为报道,而开挖一口水井或建成一所学校则不太可能成为要闻,这也是可以理解的。It's understandable that a bombing leads the news, not the digging of a well or the opening of a school.

您还可以连接无线高速网络轻松上网,或者通过42英寸高清液晶电视了解时事要闻或欣赏国内外电视节目。Stay connected with Wi-Fi or enjoys one of the many satellite TV channels on the 42-inch flat-screen TV.

经济学家可能都忙着关注市场运转,无瑕思考上个月的科技界要闻。Economists were probably too busy watching markets gyrate to contemplate last month’s big news in science.

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通讯员以要闻的形式报道了这则中国城市打工者的贫穷和居住条件的新闻。Correspondents say the story highlights the poor pay and living conditions of many migrant workers in China.

以专业的视角解析经济事件、报道财经要闻、解释经济现象。With professional insight, it analyzes economic events, reports finance news and explains economic phenomena.

他们对国家要闻和国内新闻故事进行选择、编辑、和存档。They select, edit and file the news, write national roundups and direct coverage for stories of national interest.

我喝完春酒回来,母亲总要闻闻我的嘴巴,问我喝了几杯酒。When I returned from Spring Wine Dinner, Mother would always smell my mouth and ask me how many glasses of wine I drank.

带本书到床上,捧着,甚至要闻一下,电子阅读器怎么会给你这种感觉。There's something about having a book in bed, about holding it, even smelling it, that I could never get from an e-reader.

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看见媒体报道的要闻集中在国际米兰的窃听丑闻上,莫吉终于觉得读报是人生一大乐事。Luciano Moggi is finally enjoying reading the newspapers as the main news are now concentrated on Inter's espionage scandal.

难道基因对我们的性生活和罗曼史竟有如此大的影响,以至于我们只需要闻一闻男人们的T恤就可以作出预测?Are our sex and romantic lives really so genetically deterministic that we can make predictions based on smelling a man's T-shirt?

比如说,一位美酒鉴赏家只需要闻一下或者轻舔一下某种葡萄酒,就可以明确的分辨出酒的年代和产地。For example, a wine connoisseur may be able to tell exactly where and when a certain vintage wine was made just by the smell and taste.