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今年的春天姗姗来迟。This year spring is late.

在淡黄色的辰光中早晨姗姗来迟。Morning came slowly with a pale yellow light.

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那辆姗姗来迟的大型轿车沿着汽车道开了上来。The dilatory limousine came rolling up the drive.

如果说邹涛的道歉姗姗来迟,那么他认为新的措施也晚了。If Zou's apology came late, so, he thinks, did the new measures.

享受姗姗来迟的拥吻,影片告诉我们,这一切才刚刚开始。Enjoy the belated smooches, tell us, all this film is just beginning.

姗姗来迟的月亮从屋顶后面探出脸来,发觉没有人在欢迎她。The belated moon looks over the rooftops and finds no one to welcome her.

这场社会民主势力和海盗之间的战争实属姗姗来迟。This fight between the social democrats and the freebooters is long overdue.

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清晨三点黎明就来临,夜晚九点黄昏才姗姗来迟,整天阳光灿烂。It was dawn by three in the morning, and twilight lingered till nine at night.

不过人力专家称姗姗来迟的措施是不全面的,而且不太可能使问题得到解决。But labor experts say the belated measures are limited and unlikely to fix the problem.

全场第一脚射正直到第53分钟才姗姗来迟,卡卢的一脚直接打在门将身上。The first shot on target came after 53 minutes, Salomon Kalou hitting it straight at the goalkeeper.

对代表英国唱片产业的BPI来说,这一天总算姗姗来迟。For the BPI which represents Britain's recorded music industry, this day has been a long time in coming.

中国革命姗姗来迟,1911年10月才开始,1912年那位六岁的儿皇帝就退位了。In October 1911 the long-delayed Chinese revolution began, and in 1912 the six-year-old boy emperor abdicated.

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尽管客队姗姗来迟地射入两个聊以安慰的进球,但是没有人会质疑球赛最终的结果。Although the visiting team scored two late consolation goals, the result of the gane was never really in doubt.

最后,她才姗姗来迟,到了北京,她又在北京呼吁中日合作,共同抗击全球气候变化。Only then did she stop in Beijing, where she called on the Chinese and Japanese to work together on climate change.

在延长的极小期之后,太阳黑子姗姗来迟,预示着所有情况都不正常。Although sunspots are making a belated comeback after the protracted solar minimum, the signs are that all is not well.

现在断言这种大幅转变能否成功还为时尚早,但经济学家们认为这种转变是必要的---同时也是姗姗来迟的。It is too soon to know whether such makeovers will succeed. But economists consider such efforts necessary — and overdue.

单说2011年夏天,姗姗来迟的雨季就使一小郊县的500多名农民自杀身亡。In 2011 summer along, late coming of monsoon alone resulted in more than 500 farmers killing themselves in one small district.

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就在你以为它已经结束时,姗姗来迟的微软公司的视窗用户系统更新计划才刚刚开始。Just when you thought it was over, the chatter surrounding Microsoft's long-delayed Windows client update has only just begun.

对其中一些人来说,花时间投入公司的企划案,是他们生活中的重头大戏,但对其他人来说,也许一直要等到发薪日当天,快乐才姗姗来迟。For some, time spent on a project at work is the highlight of their day, but for others, the happiness doesn't come until payday.

因未能按时上台,鼠帮乐队领唱彼得?劳福德主持时称她为“姗姗来迟的玛丽莲?梦露”。Rat Pack singer Peter Lawford announced her entrance but when she did not emerge he joked that she was the 'late Marilyn Monroe'.