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介绍SUV型无内胎子午线轮胎的设计。A design of SUV tubeless radial tire is introduced.

旋转这个环直到时间子午线偏移刻度。Turn the ring until the time meridian offset scale.

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因此本初子午线应该在这里,也就是x轴。So, the Greenwich Meridian would be here, now, the one on the x axis.

对185R14C轻载子午线轮胎进行宽轮辋优化设计。The 185R14C LTR tire design was optimized by increasing the rim width.

唐朝测出子午线的长度,在当时的世界上还是第一次。This was the first measurement of the meridian ever done in the world.

在此期间,机会号在子午线地盘也有了同样的惊人发现。Meanwhile Opportunity has made equally amazing finds in Meridiani Planum.

英国科学家相信,子午线在计时角色上已受到威胁。UK scientists believe the meridian's role in timekeeping is under threat.

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对载重子午线轮胎胎面胶配方进行改进,以提高耐磨性能。The tread formula of TBR tire was modified to improve the wear resistance.

松开固定时间子午线指示环的定位螺丝。Loosen the setscrew that secures the ring with the time meridian indicator.

研究子午线轮胎用10种胶料的生热特性。The heat build-up of 10 rubber compounds in a radial tire was investigated.

另外,轮胎外胎、子午线轮胎增长幅度也较大。Additional, range of growth of tire cover tyre, meridian tire is bigger also.

再说一遍,记住这发生在本初子午线很重要。Once again, it's important to note that this occurred at the Greenwich meridian.

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与每一子午线相交成同一角度的航向叫恒向线。The course which will cut each meridian at the same angle is termed a rhumb line.

在子午线间是一个非移动的能量系统,即间隔空间。In between the meridians is a non-moving energy system known as the space between.

研究了芳纶帘线在轿车和轻型载重车子午线轮胎中的应用。The application of aromatic polyamide cord to radial car and LT tires was investigated.

在每一区内中央子午线上的时间,称为该区的“标准时”。The time in the middle height of each time zone, is called the standard time of this zone.

试验研究半钢子午线轮胎压延法带束层胶配方。The compound formulation for calendered belt of steel- belted radial tire was investigated.

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其中有种利用紫外线杀菌的产品叫做“水之星”,由子午线设计公司出品。One product that disinfects water with UV light is called AquaStar, made by Meridian Design.

设备适用于方形断面的斜交轮胎与子午线轮胎的钢丝圈生产。The application of the accelerator DZ to the bead compound of bias truck tire was investigated.

对使用预成型胎面和使用普通胎面的轿车子午线轮胎进行了对比试验。The passenger car radial tire with preformed tread was compared to that with conventional tread.