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他没有怠慢一个人。He slighted no one.

怠慢继续着。The slights continued.

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国务院一直怠慢了,在它的头部。The state has been dishonored in its head.

如果我怠慢或粗心,我会坠落。If I am inattentive or careless, I will fall.

尊贵的希罗蒂,我们可不能怠慢了客人。Noble Herodias we are not mindful of our guests.

丹尼尔虽然成了明星,却对李君没有怠慢半分。Although Daniel become a star, but no snub to Li Jun.

印度的拒绝可能被华盛顿的某些人视为对美国的怠慢。The rejection may be seen as a snub by many in Washington.

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Rhapsody受到的这种怠慢是在音乐产业持续变化的背景下出现的。The slight comes amid continued change for the music industry.

因此,各个丫鬟见了她都不敢怠慢。Therefore, each servant girl saw her don't defiance to neglect.

就是惩治了怠慢了也只是损了一两个汉官。Was a Cheng to cure apt neglect too fair Sun 12 Chinese officers.

有些部族成员把这场灾难归咎于人们对神的怠慢。Some members of the tribe blame the crisis on neglect of the deities.

这几位都是我的上客,一定不能怠慢。These are my distinguished guests, and should not suffer any slights.

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来自拉丁美洲兄弟国家的怠慢,使得墨西哥尤为痛苦。The snubs from fellow Latin American nations were particularly painful.

在个人对个人会议中极为少见,这种现象可能叫做怠慢。This would rarely happen in a person-to-person meeting, which would be considered a snub.

在生活中,莫顿最大的敌人是他自己,他怠慢了生活,生活也因此怠慢他。Often his own worst enemy, Morton wasn't all that good to life, and it wasn't good to him.

辛普森姐妹都非常声最近当谈到怠慢对他们的家庭。The Simpson sisters have been very vocal lately when it comes to snubs against their family.

这孩子说,听见我们走进来,误以为是他那怠慢的听差来了呢。starved to death,' said the boy, mistaking our approach for that of his negligent attendant.

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冷落会使他伤痛,就是某处的一点怠慢,也会让他痛苦不堪。Snubs hurt him, and the merest suspicion of unpopularity in any quarter rouses him to bitterness.

蔡小薇知道他不开心,甚至可能以为自己是故意怠慢老人。Cai Xiaowei knows he is not happy, think oneself are intended barratrous old person possibly even.

无论他的政治关系和脾气如何,他并不愿怠慢这样有势力的人。Whatever his political connections and proclivities , he did not care to neglect so powerful a man.