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我是这座堡垒的首领!I am the captain of my fort!

这位女首领就是冼太夫人。This woman was named Lady Xian.

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我不能那样对待海米,首领。海米是我的朋友。I can't do that to Hymie, Chief.

调兵就需要一位首领。Adjustable soldiers need a leader.

单于是指匈奴的首领。Chanyu means the chief of Xiongnu.

首领召集起他的支持者。The chief mustered his supporters.

这一次首领决定亲自出马。Now the chief decided to go himself.

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鲍威尔与众首领觉得被出卖。Powell and the chiefs felt betrayed.

我们知道您是这里的首领。We know that you are the leader here.

吐谷浑的首领阿豺有二十个儿子。A'cai, chief of Tu Gu Hun, had 20 sons.

首领的身份是不能够参加战争的。He could not go out to war as a sachem.

只有男性首领才可以吃海龟肉。Only male chiefs could eat turtle meat.

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他们随声附和他们首领的每一句话。They echoed every word of their leader.

那时房内充满男女,非利士人的众首领也都在那里。Now the house was full of men and women.

是众神的首领。,El,is,the,head,of,a,council,of,gods。,据说他长着很长的白胡子。El He is said to have a long white beard.

他在求宠于那个政治首领。He was buddying up to the political boss.

一个朱特人首领于449年当上了国王。Jutish chief became the King of Kent in 449.

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首领于是叫他带他们到那栋房子去。The chief told him to lead them to the house.

行贿者描写了群落首领的受贿举动。the briber described the tribe head's bribery.

日本首领尊重来访的中国领导人。Japan's Shogun to the visiting Emperor of China.