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我了解-只是短暂停留。您來洽商吗?I see—just a short stay. Are you here on business?

望各新老用户来电贺函洽商,共创制笔大业!We will found the great undertaking in making pens!.

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我很高兴此次洽商圆满告成。I'm glad our negotiation has come to a successful conclusion.

客户可直接以电话与本公司洽商,我们将热诚为顾客服务!Customer can contact with us directly, we will serve you fervidly.

真城欢迎各界朋友洽商合作!Really welcome friends from all walks of life to discuss cooperation!

公司与美国药管局正在进行有关临床试验的洽商。The company is in discussions with the FDA regarding clinical trials.

所以我制作了GUNNM角色扮演游戏的企画,与游戏公司洽商。So I made a plan of "role playing game of GUNNM" and had a meeting with game maker.

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很快,我的工作能力便以我能为合作伙伴安排多少场洽商会议来评定。Soon I would be judged by how many meetings I was able to schedule for my partners.

艾尔和弗吉尼亚·巴克斯特正和他们的银行家托尼·费洛拉洽商有关衡宇贷款之事。Al and Virginia Baxter are talking to their banker , Tony Flora, about a housing loan.

艾尔和弗吉尼亚·巴克斯特正和他们的银老手托尼·费洛拉洽商有关衡宇贷款之事。Al and Virginia Baxter are talking to their banker , Tony Flora , about a housing loan.

教会执事会必须与所有堂务委员会洽商经推荐的人选。The Church Board shall consult all Ministry Committees regarding the recommended candidate.

董事长兼总司理热情欢送国际外地客商来公司洽商营业。And the chairman and general manager of a warm welcome from the company to negotiate business.

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斯塔克对组织成员了如指掌,因此,他的洽商式领导才成为可能。Intimate knowledge of the Stark organization makes possible Robb's consultative style of leadership.

这是世卫组织及其会员国洽商过的最困难和分歧最大的问题之一。This was one of the most difficult, and divisive, issues ever negotiated by WHO and its Member States.

诚挚欢迎全国各地新老客户前来本厂及中国塑编城——萧江复合市场考察指导、垂询洽商。Welcome new and old customers to our factory and China plastic Braided City-Xiaojiang Recombination Market.

电解电容器一般品不适用于骤然间之充放电,如需使用在快速充放电的场合,请与我们洽商。Capacitors cannot be used in a circuit charge or discharge, lf use in a circuit of sudden charge is required, please contact us.

企业施行“品质第一,使用者至上”的准则,诚意热烈的欢迎广泛使用者来这洽商。The company pursues " quality the first, the user is consummate the principle of " , cordial welcome negotiates before broad user.

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加藤彦伟此行来肥,旨在就日电科技株式会社等日本企业来肥发展事宜进行洽商。The delegation came to Hefei intending to discuss prospective business opportunities for Japanese enterprises such as NEC Corporation.

并以质量求生活,以新产品求开展,以效劳求市场的运营宗旨,竭诚欢迎国际外客户前来洽商业务。Quality of life, new product of development, services of market, sincerely want to do business with all the customers at home and abroad.

招商代表团吸引了很多东南亚客商来新加坡洽商项目。The investment-inviting delegation has attracted many busi-nesspeople from Southeast Asia to Singapore to hold talks on various projects.