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“这是个古老的好风习,”他说,“我很高兴如今还没有废除。”That's a fine old custom, he said. I am glad to see it has not died out.

“真可惜,”范妮嚷道,“这一风习居然中断了。"It is a pity, " cried Fanny, "that the custom should have been discontinued.

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下课铃声响起,蜂拥而至的出现在学校的大门口,夜晚的街道,风习过,微凉。Bell rang, come in great numbers appear in the school gate, the street at night, wind, cool.

本文着重介绍信阳以茶敬客的饮茶习俗、以茶为礼的风习及信阳毛尖茶艺。The tea custom of recepting the guests and Xinyang Maojian tea art in Xinyang have been introduced.

一男多女的描写,在明清通俗小说中比比皆是,其反映了城市民间风习和道德观。In Ming Qing earthliness novel, the delineating of the "one man and many women" story can be found everywhere.

沃斯利先生认为这个信条是一个“非常伟大的古代风习,通常被哥特人和凯尔特民族接受。”Mr. Worsley considers the doctrine one "of very great antiquity, and generally received by the Gothic and Celtic Nations."

墓葬以仰卧伸直葬为主,有普遍随葬獐牙的风习,有的还随葬猪头、猪骨以象征财富。Burial tombs mainly to sit straight, a general Suizang roe teeth wind study, some of Suizang pig, a symbol of wealth Zhugu.

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唐人饮茶之习也被传入吐蕃,逐渐成为上层人士和寺院僧侣的风习。Tong Yan Xi tea were also introduced to the Tubo, the upper class has gradually become monks and monasteries to study the wind.

重阳那天,人们有敬老的风习,各家晚辈都要给上了年纪的老人多一些体贴。Reveals sin chongyang day, people have to respect, and the younger generation will give elderly old man a little more considerate.

并推测这也许是殷人宗教蒙昧风习影响宋人所致。Author also infer that the phenomenon have something to do with influence of uncivilized convention of "Yin Period" persons' religion.

并且其中亦透露出对世教风习与人心流俗之针砭,而深蕴超越名士主流的平等观点。It also reveals criticism of thoughts and custom in that era, which deeply contains a fair viewpoint beyond the mainstream celebrities.

在受社会文化、风习、政治影响的同时,汉代隐逸群体在推动文化发展、砥砺社会风习及改良政治等方面都发挥了巨大作用。The status of the hermits in Han dynasty evolved in line with the development of culture ethos, social vogue, political situations and others.

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在受社会文化、风习、政治影响的同时,汉代隐逸群体在推动文化发展、砥砺社会风习及改良政治等方面都发挥了巨大作用。The hermits in Han dynasty played an important role in promoting cultural development, influencing social values and customs, and reforming politics.

有的行政官员通过有效的引导使得这种风习有所改变,其政策之所以能够取得成功,首先在于重视经济发展,促成民间富裕。Some administrators carried out effective policies to change this and achieved good results by developing agricultural economy and enriching the people.

元代宫廷织物尚金风习与蒙古贵族所处的社会环境、自身的民族特性和文化传统有直接关系。The royal gold fashion of Yuan dynasty was influenced directly by the social environment, national characteristics and traditional culture of burgraves of Mongolia ethnic.

先秦时期的楚国地处南方江汉平原,特殊的地理环境和民俗风习,形成了楚人具有个性特色的饮食文化。Because Chu Kingdom in the Period Before Qin Dynasty was located in Jianghan plain, special geographical environment and folk custom had formed cooking culture with distincted characteristics.