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到了目的地后,大家不由分说,争先恐后地干起来。On arriving there, everybody went into action in no time.

到的城下,不由分说,开始攻城。To the city, the men without any explanation, began attacking the city.

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请冷静下来!我们一定要这样不由分说地打起来吗?Please, settle down! Is it always necessary for us to start out fighting?

说完,不由分说的,将她打横抱起来。Finish saying, leaving no chance to explain of, beat her horizontal to embrace.

到了目的地后,大家不由分说,争先恐后地干起来。On arriving there, everybody went into action in no time. We dug square pits first.

五个手持AK-47步枪的男子冲了进来,不由分说就大开杀戒。Five men wielding AK-47 rifles charged in and opened fire without asking anyone to identify themselves.

那些人不由分说,让人找来司机,将这几个睡眼朦胧的人塞进了汽车向山区进发。They foisted these Chinese, with eyes still heavy with sleep, into a car and set out for the mountain area.

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男孩瞪大眼睛,又惊又喜,高兴得扑到我身边,不由分说地就摘下我的帽子往窗外远远地扔去。The boy stared at me in surprise and jumped right beside me, then grabbed my hat and launched it out of the window.

那三个女孩结队进入屋里,不由分说坐在我正像孕妇一般躺着的地垫上。The three girls trooped into the room and threw themselves onto the floor mattress where I lay in a fetal position.

同事们不由分说,直接拖了他上医院,他心道小题大作,却眩晕不止,吐得无力抗拒。Colleagues not from cent say, direct him to hospital, was dragged his heart way of, but not to spit, dizziness to resist.

说完,他又把书夺了回去,我不由分说把书又抢了过来,就这样,我俩像拉锯似的把这书抢来抢去。Say that finish, and he took the book back, I not from cent say the book and robbed come, so, we like see-saw like this book rob to steal.

男孩瞪大眼睛,又惊又喜,高兴得扑到我身边,不由分说地就摘下我的帽子往窗外远远地扔去。The boy stares the big eye, is pleasantly surprised, is happy throws to me side, takes off my hat to throw by far rashly toward the window outside.

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当周敏芝发现常丽用摄像头监控自己的时候,实在是忍无可忍,不由分说的离开了常丽家,又住到了常兰家。When Zhou Minzhi found Chang Li use camera to monitor their own time, it is the last straw, representative left Chang Li home, and lived in Chang Lan home.

话说有一次,孔子旅行到了卫国一个叫匡的地方,卫国人一见孔子,便不由分说的将他和他的弟子们团团围困在旅舍内,情况看来有点不妙。Confucius traveled to Kuang, a place in the State of Wei. Local people surrounded him and his disciples without any reason. The situation was very urgent and dangerous.

现代教学理念冲击着传统教育思想,现代教育技术手段已不由分说地走进了课堂。The modern teaching principle pounds at the traditional education thought, the modern educates the technique means already not say that the ground walk into the classroom from cent.

他见阵势不妙,上前劝阻,该男子不由分说,操起钢管对准其背部狠狠地打了一棍,然后冲出店外,坐上的士扬长而去。He saw battle is not good and tried to dissuade the man without any explanation, picked up his pipe aligned Yigun hit a ball back and then out of the shop, got into the taxi sped away.

男孩瞪大眼睛,又惊又喜,高兴得扑到我身边,不由分说地就摘下我的帽子往窗外远远地扔去。The boy, with his eyes popping, was greatly surprised and delighted. He jumped to my side, took off my cap before I was able to explain, and threw it out of the window into the distance.

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男孩瞪大眼睛,又惊又喜,高兴得扑到我身边,不由分说地就摘下我的帽子往窗外远远地扔去。The boy, with his eyes popping, was greatly surprised and delighted. He jumped to my side, took off my cap before I was able to explain, and threw it out of the windowsintosthe distance.