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你喜欢奶油软糖吗?Do you like fudge?

飞过软糖小丘陵。And over fondant hills.

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我喜欢吃软糖。I like to eat jellybeans.

让我们来参加软糖豆味道测试吧!Let's take the Jelly Bean Taste Test!

还有千万不要吝啬对热软糖的幻想。And don’t skimp on the fantasy hot fudge.

琳达.罗迪斯在糕饼义卖会中买下软糖。Linda Rhoades bought the fudge during a bake sale.

粉糖、硬糖、软糖、泡泡糖。Dextrose candy , hard candy, soft candy, bubble gum.

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本杰里给我的巧克力软糖布朗尼任何一天。Give me Ben & Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie any day.

几小时前预定了一些小熊软糖和一把刀。She ordered gummi bears and a knife a couple hours ago.

“丹特士”可以做成含片,棒棒糖,软糖,口香糖等。BYE-BYE DENTIST can be a lozenges, lollipop or chewing gum.

你想想看,你能做出跟那块巧克力乳脂软糖蛋糕一样的来吗?Do you think you could duplicate that chocolate fudge cake?

西装造型的香草味蛋糕,有奶油乳酪和软糖哦。Creative vanilla cake with buttercream frosting and fondant.

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包裹软糖的江米纸是由糯米做成的。The coat covering the soft candies is made from glutinous rice.

父母需应指点儿童充沛品味每粒小熊软糖,不要间接吞咽。Instruct child to chew each gummy fish carefully and thoroughly.

外国人手工成型的软糖,并且完全可食用。The alien is hand molded out of fondant and is completely edible.

这篇文章是以“奶油软糖现象”以及它是如何产生效应为主要内容的。This post is about the "Fudge Store Phenomenon, " and why it works.

果浆软糖是美国最喜欢的非巧克力复活节糖果。Marshmallow Peeps are America's favorite non-chocolate Easter candies.

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仅仅在四条主街道的一条街上就有10家以上的奶油软糖商店!Just on that one four-block Main Street, there are over 10 fudge shops!

橡皮糖是一类以明胶为主要胶体的含酸切香型软糖。Gelatin gum is an acid candy made by gelatin as main colloid ingredient.

仅仅在四条主街道的一条街上就有10家以上的奶油软糖商店!Just on that one four-block Main Street , there are over 10 fudge shops!