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看得出,PLM采用云技术已经是大势所趋。I can see cloud PLM is trending.

入世后,开放我国律师业已是大势所趋。It is a tendency to open up this trade.

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监狱改革合乎规律、大势所趋。The jail reform goes ultimately along with the rule.

封闭循环用水已成为造纸工业的大势所趋。System closure has become the trend of the paper industry.

其实,驱动这项技术投入应用的并非是媒体炒作式的美丽愿景,而是大势所趋。More is driving that trend than just media-hyped views of beauty.

从“实体正义”走向“程序正义”是大势所趋。General trend indicates that from "entity just" to "procedure just".

在国际上,采用用最易穿透粒径法替代其他各种传统的检测方法是大势所趋。In the near future, it will replace other testing methods in the world.

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企业选择组建联盟进行合作创新成为大势所趋。It becomes a trend for the enterprises to join the innovation alliance.

电子制造过程无铅化已是大势所趋。Application of lead-free solders is main trend in the electronic industry.

印刷物的消亡究竟是全球范围的大势所趋,还是仅仅是美国的现实反映?Is the death of print a world-wide certainty or merely an American reality?

中小企业进行电子商务是大势所趋。The development of e-business in minor enterprises represents general trend.

不过总的来说,电子信息时代,网上购物是大势所趋。In general, we're now living thee-commerce age, online shopping is the trend.

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毕竟,和平、稳定、发展乃是人心所向,大势所趋。After all, peace, stability and development but the people, the general trend.

采用计算机监控系统作为水电厂的监控手段是大势所趋。It is a large tendency to use a computer monitoring system in hydropower stations.

祖国统一是大势所趋,不可阻挡。The reunification of the Chinese nation is a general trend which cannot be blocked.

随着经济的高速发展,人力资本出资已经是大势所趋。With raid growth of the economy, human capital investment becomes the general trend.

接入网的宽带化已是大势所趋,而APON系统则代表了宽带接入网发展的一个重要方向。The APON system is very important to the development of the broadband access network.

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大臣们暗中抱怨,单一货币区的进一步整合乃大势所趋。Logic is driving the single-currency club towards closer integration, ministers murmur.

在高校图书馆建立学科馆员制度,实施专业化服务是大势所趋。It is a trend to establish the subject librarian system and provide professional service.

用自动络筒机取代普通络筒机是大势所趋。It is a trend that the auto winding machine will substitute the traditional winding machine.