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谜语变奏曲,作品36之9,猎手。Enigma Variations, Op. 36, No. 9, Nimrod.

回收油的绿色变奏曲工作坊。Green Variations of Waste Vegetable oils.

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五对“第大不列颠”钢琴变奏曲。Five variations for piano on "Rule Britannia".

原创主题变奏曲,作品36,“谜语”Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 36, Enigma.

海顿主题变奏曲,“圣·安东尼圣咏”Variations on a Theme by Haydn, "St Antoni Chorale""

这个乐队演奏灵歌和福音音乐的变奏曲。The group perform variations on soul and gospel music.

著名的音乐家正在创作一部大型变奏曲。This famous musician is working on a series of variations on large scale.

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大调33首迪阿贝利圆舞曲变奏,作品120,“迪阿贝利变奏曲”Variations in C major on a Waltz by Diabelli, Op. 120, Diabelli Variations.

这位作曲家把一首简单的民歌小调改编成一首复杂的变奏曲。The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations.

变奏曲式是最古老的曲式之一,它的起源与民间音乐有密切联系。Variations of the Form is one of the oldest, Its origin and folk music are closely linked.

变奏曲式是最古老的曲式之一,它的起源与民间音乐有密切联系。The variation is one of the most ancient musical forms, the historical development is glorious.

标题有点奇怪的「安平追想变奏曲」,是本专辑中唯一一曲无伴奏作品。The oddly-titled Variations on the Theme of Anping Ballade is Wong1s only work so far for solo violin.

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这些错误的交易按照好莱坞的标准来说通常只是变奏曲——和我们合作,朋友,要不然就去死。These false bargains are always variations on the Hollywood standard -- do business with us, pardner, or die.

生活中任何变奏曲一旦对你的人生主旋律构成了障碍,要毫不犹豫地放弃它。Once any variation in life forms a barrier against the main melody of your life, don't hesitate to give it up.

她的作品“在H变奏曲”是由不同颜色的连接在一起,形成一个流动的布精心制成的手。Her work "Variations on H" is made up of different colors of finely made hands connected together to form a flowing cloth.

贝多芬在钢琴变奏曲、弦乐四重奏和交响曲中屡次采用德国、瑞士、英国和俄国的民歌作为主题。Beethoven used to adopt German, Swiss and English folk songs as the themesfor his variations, string quartets, and symphonies.

他的单簧管作品包括一部小协奏曲,两部协奏曲,一首变奏曲,一部单簧管五重奏以及一部单簧管两重奏。His compositions for the clarinet, which include a concertino , a Variations , two concerts , a quintet and a duo concertante.

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在变奏曲I,II专辑,马克西姆认为柴科夫斯基的“B小调钢琴协奏”是最难学的。In the Variations I&II album, Maksim said that the 'Piano Concerto in Bb Minor' by Tchaikovsky was the most difficult to learn.

要当个好乐师,不仅必须记住自己应演奏的部分,而且要能够即兴创作出新的变奏曲调。To BE good, a musician had not only to rememBEr his part but also to BE able to invent new variations on the spur of the moment.

以中国民歌作为钢琴变奏曲主题的音乐作品,融合了民族音乐元素与西方作曲技法。The music whose theme is piano variation with Chinese folk blends national music elements with western techniques of composition.