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山崩挟带下大量的碎岩石。A landslide brings down tons of debris.

火车上允许乘客把挟带的自行车放在行李车厢中。Trains allow bicycles to be carried in the baggage car.

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春运期间,禁止挟带烟花爆竹上车。It is forbidden to bring fireworks on board trains during Spring Festival.

风暴西侧和北侧的云团挟带了强降雪。The dense clouds on the north and west side of the storm carried intense snow.

本文介绍了超临界萃取的原理,溶媒及挟带剂。The article deals with principle, solvents and entrainers of supercritical fluids extraction.

耀斑的爆发将产生大量的粒子,粒子流将挟带大量能量轰击地球磁场。Solar flares send out bursts of electromagnetic energy that strike the Earth's magnetic field.

彷佛被一只巨鹰挟带著飞升,”圣‧泰瑞莎说,”我的狂喜将我高举入云。"As if carried aloft by a great eagle, " Saint Teresa said, "my ecstasy lifted me into the air. "

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建坝后水库下泄水流挟带的床沙质含沙量减少,坝下游河床出现冲刷。The released flow from reservoirs carries less sediment load of bed material than pre? dam periods.

误用的愤怒挟带着尖锐的言辞、猛烈的爆发和郁积的怨恨,会摧毁亲密关系。Anger misused can destroy relationships with sharp words, fiery explosions, and smoldering resentments.

君不见死于刀枪下的人,都是挟带武器的人?Haven't you noticed that people whose death is caused by weapons are usually weapon- carriers themselves?

卡斯活着目睹了旧世界的荣耀征服了胡佛大坝,挟带着莫哈韦上前所未见的的力量。Cass lived to see Hoover Dam in its Old World glory, humming with power the likes of which the Mojave had never seen.

引进了挟带分组泥沙的水量百分数,它是研究非均匀沙的重要概念和工具。The percentage of flow discharge, which is an important concept and tool for the study of nonuniform sediment, is proposed.

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反之,手术可能挟带并发症的风险,包括术后脑脊髓液渗漏和脑膜炎。On the other hand, surgery carries a definite risk of complications such as postoperative cerebrospinal fluid leak and meningitis.

比起一般的印刷书,电子书更加安全的储存挟带。它们也比纸质书存放的更久。Ebooks are more safely stored and carried from one place to another, than ordinary books. They also withstand time more than books.

这片三角洲是黄河挟带的大量泥沙填充渤海凹陷陆地的海相沉积平原。Yellow River Delta is the backdrop of this piece of land large sediment filled depression of the Bohai Sea marine sediments plains.

上海九段沙湿地自然保护区位于长江入海口,是由长江挟带的泥沙不断淤积而形成的沙洲。Shanghai Jiuduansha Wetland Nature Reserve is located at the estuary of Yangtze River. It is a shoal made by the sand from Yangtze River.

因高速水流挟带泥沙会对建筑物产生磨蚀,泥沙淤积又会对工程安全造成威胁。The sediment carried by high-Velocity flow will corrode the structures and the deposit of sediment will threaten the safety of the project.

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这张三月九日摄于庇里牛斯山国家公园的照片,是一只雄性产婆蟾在后腿间挟带许多卵。A male common midwife toad carries eggs between its hind legs in this undated handout picture released on March 9 by the Pyrenees National Park.

伊凡飓风挟带毁灭性强风和滔天巨浪横扫美国沿岸,摧毁临海的房舍、内陆大淹水,并造成至少两人丧生。Hurricane Ivan slammed into the U. S. coast with destructive winds that ripped away beachfront homes, flooded deep inland and killed at least two people.

我们准备要收拾大雨迳流冲刷、挟带的各式废水了,以往我们常任由这些废水进入内陆水道,污染了整个水道系统。We're picking up the outflows during a heavy rain event that normally would have flowed into the inland waterway system and polluted that waterway system.