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她老是颐指气使的。And she's so bossy.

你不能总是对人颐指气使的。You can't ride the tiger forever.

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你是说她对她的丈夫颐指气使?You mean she bosses her husband around?

我受不了经理的颐指气使。I can't stand being bossed around by the manager.

正是我们的炸弹与制裁与颐指气使的援助计划在使我们更加孤立。It is our bombs and sanctions and condescending aid packages that isolate us.

因为喜欢成为圈子里的驱动力,也许使他们看起来颐指气使。They may appear bossyjust because they want to be the driving force in their circle.

他将之比作婚姻关系,妻子颐指气使而丈夫唯唯诺诺。He compared the situation to a marriage in which the wife was bossing around her henpecked husband.

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这套系统检测用户视觉皮层发出的大脑信号,通过装配在小型机器人背后的笔记本电脑来对机器人颐指气使。The system — it detects brain signals from the user’s visual cortex — is rigged to boss around a small robot with a laptop on its back.

她的活动并无政治性,她也不曾打算,但是整个游行却成为伦敦东区反对颐指气使的法官和警方怒号。Though she wasn’t political, and never intended to be, the whole campaign was an East End howl against years of dismissive treatment by judges and the police.

在一个案例中,一个被解雇了的蓝领病人骂医生对他的生活“狗屁不懂”还对他颐指气使。In one case study, an unemployed blue-collar patient displayed bitterness toward his doctors for knowing "jack-shit" about his life and telling him what to do.

如果你受雇于一家大公司,也许会碰到一个想晋升的同事,为了得到那个职位,他会骑在你头上行事颐指气使。If you are employed in a large company, there may be a co-worker who wants to be promoted and may think that the bestway to do that is to simply act as your boss.

如果你受雇于一家大公司,也许会碰到一个想晋升的同事,为了得到那个职位,他会骑在你头上行事颐指气使。If you are employed in a large company, there may be a co-worker who wants to be promoted and may think that the best way to do that is to simply act as your boss.

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电影、电视和大众文学都在宣扬一种老套的管理模式,通过它们,一个好的企业领导总是被刻画成一个颐指气使的形象,并且在言行举止方面,总要摆出一副“我说了算”的架势。Films, popular literature, and television foster the stereotype that a good leader is one who wields power visibly and says, "I'm in charge" in word, deed, and demeanor.

然而,在那个富人只会对出身卑微者颐指气使、发号施令的年代里,杰弗逊却能放下身段走到园丁、仆人、侍者中去,同他们亲切交谈。Yet, in a day when few noble persons ever spoke to those of humble origins except to give an order, Jefferson went out of his way to talk with gardeners, servants, and waiters.

南达科他州马上颁布了一项法令,要求妇女必须在危机怀孕中心等72个小时,并且听那颐指气使的演讲才能堕胎。The state then passed a law requiring women to wait 72 hours and subject themselves to a hectoring lecture at a crisis pregnancy center before they can get an abortion. Surprise!