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法国提出引渡她的申请。France has applied to extradite her.

第二部分——政治犯罪不引渡原则的确立。Part III-The nature of the principle.

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塞内加尔表示将于星期一把哈布雷引渡回乍得。Senegal says it will extradite Habre on Monday.

姆拉迪奇将在24小时内被引渡。Ratko Mladic will be extradited within 24 hours.

我必须命令将阿桑齐引渡到瑞典。I must order Mr. Assange be extradited to Sweden.

吉临时政府欲引渡流亡总统巴基耶夫。Kyrgyz interim gov't orders extradition of Bakiyev.

他开始费尽心思地去想关于引渡法的问题。He began to trouble concerning the extradition laws.

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他们拒绝把劫机犯人引渡到美国。They refused to extradite the hijackers to the U. S.

他们把珠宝盗窃犯从那个岛国引渡回来。They extradited the jewel thief from the island state.

法院将引渡听证定于2月7日-8日。The court scheduled the extradition hearing for Feb. 7-8.

在等待引渡回国期间,这名嫌犯将被拘留。During the waiting extradition, the suspect will be detained.

警方设法把杀人犯从那个岛国引渡回国。The police arranged to extradite the murderer from the island state.

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而且已经要求将20名恐怖分子引渡回国。But it has demanded the extradition of 20 terrorists based in Pakistan.

一部分逃到了美国不过后来又被捉住并引渡回国。Some of the group ended up in the USA but were later found and extradited.

对罗曼斯基先生的影迷来说,将其引渡是个蓄意报复、阴险狡诈的决定。For Mr Polanski’s fans, the extradition decision is vindictive and sinister.

就是否引渡的决定阿桑格预计需要几周时间。A decision on whether to extradite Assange is expected to take several weeks.

大赦国际17日透露,瑞典19日计划将至少14名伊拉克人引渡回国。Amnesty International said 17 Swedish, 19 plan to extradite at least 14 Iraqis.

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那个英国杀人犯被法国警察抓获引渡回英国。The English murderer was caught by the French police and extradited to Britain.

恍然间,彼岸花开,血色花蕊,引渡着迷惘的游魂。Come to realize, the Bana open, bloody flower, the extradition of the Lost souls.

那名美国杀人犯在英国被警方抓获后被引渡到美国。The American murderer was caught by the English police and extradited to America.