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弓箭手拉弓瞄准,准备射箭。Archers aim and prepare to fire.

因为射箭者固然爱那飞出的箭。For even as He loves the arrow that flies.

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当射箭时,你须要拉弓。When you shoot an arrow , you draw the bow.

难怪锡伯族的人啊个个都善于拉弓射箭的。No wonder every Xibe man is good at archery.

爱神丘比特正在弯弓射箭。Venus ratio with shoot arrow in the curved bow.

就是射弓手射箭的小洞啰!这样敌人才不会袭击到自己。It's a hole from which archers shoot their arrows.

通过移动屏幕上你的手指来发射箭。shoot arrows by moving your fingers on the screen.

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弓是优秀的土地和马都射箭。The bow is excellent both for land and horse archery.

作为锡伯族的后裔,射箭是我的热爱。Being a descent of Xibo People, archery is my passion.

茅草屋外,一个在匍匐而行的小男孩在射箭。Out of the wigwam crawled the boy who'd shot the arrow.

这个射箭的天使肯定击中了墨西哥。The arrow-slinging cherub is definitely a hit in Mexico.

他只能不段地对来着射箭,每次一只。One man with one bow firing on all comers, one at a time.

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请大家在关注我们的同时,也多多关注射箭运动。Please give as much attention to archery as you give to us.

春秋时代有个人射箭的技术非常高超。In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was an expert archer.

一位古印度智者正向他的弟子们传授射箭术。An ancient Indian sage was teaching his disciples the archery.

楚国有一位著名的射箭能手名叫熊渠子。Chu has a well-known archery bear experts called drainage sub.

长期以来,韩国在奥运射箭项目上一直占据着霸主地位。South Korean archers have dominated the sport at the Olympics for years.

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在我们的归程,我们还快速地学习了射箭。On our way out we also got a quick archery lesson from one of the locals.

平衡杆帮助弓平衡并吸收射箭时弓的震动。The stabilizer helps with the bows balance and absorbs shooting vibration.

我要向磐石旁边射三箭,如同射箭靶一样。And I will shoot three arrows on the side thereof, as though I shot at a mark.