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这是一个狭义搜索。This is an exclusive search.

这是最狭义的城市定义That's the narrowest definition of cities.

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狭义的仅指方言剧情片。Dialect refers only to the narrow sense of drama.

校本课程有广义和狭义之分。School-based courses have the broad and narrow sense.

狭义的社会服务职能仅指服务公众。In a narrow sense, it only refers to serve the public.

从狭义上来说,大理石指的是云南大理出产的石材。Stricto sensu , marble refers to the Yunnan Dali produced stones.

迈克耳孙和莫雷已经奏出了狭义相对论的序曲。Michelson and Morley had sounded the prelude to special relativity.

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通过例子阐明狭义相对论中钟慢效应是相互的道理。The mutuality of the time dilation effect is elaborated by example.

但是,这些限制应具有说服力和狭义的定义。But those restrictions should be compelling and very narrowly defined.

临床上狭义的盆腔炎指的是输卵管炎。Clinically narrow sense of pelvic infection refers to tubal phlogistic.

狭义构成主义方法包含内在冲突。An inherent conflict can be found in constructivism in the narrow sense.

ICT对与广义和狭义上的统治均有大的影响。ICT has a major effect on governance in both its broad and narrow sense.

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本文借用狭义散文的概念,并将研究对象缩小至抒情散文。The present thesis reduces the scope of the research to the lyric prose.

基本的量力学和狭义相对论知识被以为。A knowledge of basic quantum mechanics and special relativity is assumed.

所谓“连岛工程”,有广义和狭义的区别。The so called "isles connection project" is subject to two interpretations.

报纸新闻导语狭义受事主语句的构成成分分析。I. Types of narrow-sense accusative subject sentence in newspaper news lead.

我倒是喜欢像那些狭义小说里的英雄儿女。就好像你和李慕白一样。I prefer heroes and heroines in swordsman novels, just like you and Li Mubai.

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校园网络的建设不能仅从狭义上去理解。The construction of campus network can' t be comprehended in the narrow sense.

在这篇文章中,我们使用的是“医护标准”的第二个、也就是较狭义的意思。In this paper we use the term ‘standard of care’ in the second, narrower sense.

法权概念应从广义及狭义层面上理解。The concept of right should be understood from both broad sense and narrow sense.