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我们的周遭都是荆棘与嘈杂声浪。All about us is noise and bramble.

来往车辆嘈杂的声浪使人头痛。The clamour of the heavy traffic gave you a headache.

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但针对这个现象的批评声浪也在增加。But criticism of the entire phenomenon is growing as well.

一旦新闻报导回归常态,批评声浪又会再次浮现.Once the news returns to normal, criticism will emerge again.

不过通常在酋长们排山倒海的齐声反对声浪中全盘失败。But all failed, often amid overwhelming opposition from chiefs.

直到近些年,政府才将对大坝的批评声浪压制下去。Until recent years, the government cracked down on any critics of the dam.

攻击行动拖宕日久,国内反战的声浪渐渐大了起来。But as the decision to strike drags on, anti-war voices begin to grow louder.

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对于外界批评声浪,苹果执行长贾伯斯炮火猛烈的攻击其他对手。In response to criticism, Apple CEO Steve Jobs fiercely attacked his opponents.

即便运动员获得了佳绩,欢呼的声浪,也是冲着主席台去的。Even athletes receive a success, hailed the noise is directed at the rostrum to.

你可以从街头人们肆意抨击政权的声浪中嗅出一些味道。You can tell that from the denunciations of the regime thundered freely on the streets.

诚然,中国的统治者也许已经准备好抵御不可避免的国际谴责声浪。Admittedly, China's rulers might be ready to withstand the inevitable international blowback.

本机的驱动机芯采用非常之典型的富士达开关跳掣箱,运作时声浪颇大。The propulsion motor utilizes a very typical Fujitec relay switchbox, which operates rather loudly.

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此外,公众对奥巴马反对声浪的高涨也影响到了华盛顿K街上的机构名义捐款者们。Moreover, the appearance of growing public opposition to Obama affected corporate donors on K Street.

霍桑的声浪低沉而颤动,眼睛也像灼灼地有火。The voice of Huo mulberry is deep and low and vibrates, eyes are like to brightly shiningly have fire.

要声浪于你的调试工作,让每一次测试都能让你朝着正确的方向前进一步。Focus your debugging so that each test moves you a step forward. Use the Scientific Method of Debugging.

行将退休的行政会议召集人钟士元,昨日对记者的讲话,被示威者的声浪掩盖。Protesters' chants drowned out comments to reporters by the outgoing Exco convenor, Dr Chung Sze-yuen, yesterday.

行将退休的行政会议召集人钟士元,昨日对记者的讲话,被示威者的声浪掩盖。Protestors' chants drowned out comments to reporters by the outgoing Exco convenor, Dr Chung Sze-yuen, yesterday.

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自综合沟通法为大多数聋教育工作者接受后,聋教育中关于语言教学方法的争论声浪渐低。The teaching approach to multi-communication has been accepted by most special teachers for hearing-impaired children.

穆夏拉夫本周初片面修改宪法,掀起极大的反弹声浪。Musharraf has unilaterally amended the constitution at the beginning of the week and caused strong objections and noises.

太多的报刊舆论铺天盖地,太多的反对声浪充斥议会,北美的战事与其处理方法变得极为波诡云谲。To much of the press and the opposition in Parliament, the American war and its handling could not have been more misguided.