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你知道吗,最近中国队在世界杯预选赛中输给了伊拉克。I didn't know China had lost. Who made it through the quals?

在上周的世界杯预选赛中,威尔士队1比5负于罗马尼亚队。Last week Wales lost 5-1 to Romania in a World Cup qualifier.

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对角线区将举办多项比赛的预选赛。The Diagonal area is holding several preliminary competitions.

在世界杯预选赛中,意大利位于小组首位。La Nazionale are top of their group in the World Cup qualifiers.

我在预选赛的初期阶段曾与他们并肩战斗,现在他们已经漂亮地结束了比赛。I was part of the early games but the lads have finished it off in style.

我们两轮预选赛都赢了,所以我知道我们能打出些好的足球来。We won two qualification rounds, so I know we can play some good football.

格雷拉知道,通过世界杯亚洲区预选赛不会是轻松的事情。Grella is aware that qualifying for the World Cup through Asia will not be easy.

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而附加赛的次回合又将在博托沙尼与这场欧锦赛预选赛同一天进行。The Under-21s play the return leg of their play-off in Botosani on the same day.

然而,就在罗伯特在加州刚刚赢得了第六场预选赛的胜利时,他也遇刺了。He had just won his sixth primary, in California, when he, too, was assassinated.

特里由于膝伤将错过英格兰的下两场的世界杯预选赛。John Terry will miss England's next two World Cup qualifiers due to a knee injury.

这名前桑普多利亚球星目前正在随同国家队备战同黑山的世界杯预选赛。The former Sampdoria star is currently preparing to play for Italy against Montenegro.

西芒,先说说你认为是什么原因导致了葡萄牙本次世界杯的预选赛之旅如此艰难呢?Simao, why do you think Portugal found it so difficult to qualify for South Africa 2010?

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他对你优异的得分表现,包括预选赛中的9粒进球,有多大的帮助?How important has he been in your prolific goalscoring, including nine goals in qualifying?

谢尔比了它回家的评分7月4日,赢得她的第一次初级赛和预选赛。Shelby took it home with a score of 7-4, winning her first junior tournament and qualifier.

这支球队在欧锦赛预选赛上曾2比1击败过荷兰。In the team's European Championship qualifiers have been 2 to 1 victory over the Netherlands.

但是我们会找到一条预选赛之路的,因为我们都愿意为那身球衣而奋斗至最后一刻!But we'll find a way forward with 'la selección' because we're willing to die for that shirt! '

英格兰主帅承认,面对1994年命途多舛既世界杯预选赛,三狮团既目标恐怕难以实现。England boss as Three Lions concede a goal during ill-fated 1994 World Cup qualifying campaign.

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现在我宣布第十届“汉语桥”世界大学生中文比赛英国区预选赛正式开始!Now please allow me to officially announce the opening of the 10th "Chinese Bridge" Competition!

梨衣子和夏美都合格了,可以参加日本预选赛。Pear son and summer clothes all the beauty qualified, may participate in the Japanese qualifier.

在之前的预选赛上,她已经学会了哈萨克语和葡萄牙语。Sonia had previously picked up both Kazak and Portuguese for the qualifying rounds of the contest.