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这太监在读什么呢?And what does he read?

我希望所有的男人都变成太监。I wish men could become eunuchs.

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我只记得他穿着像个太监。I only know he dressed like an eunuch.

我循声望去,看到了两三个太监站在她旁边。There were twoor three eunuchs inside.

腓利与衣索匹亚的太监谈话。Philip talked with an Ethiopian eunuch.

太监能做变性手术吗?。Can eunuch become metamorphic operation?

宫里有成千的太监。There were thousands of eunuchs in the palace.

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有两三个太监从窗户往外看他。Who?' Two or three eunuchs looked down at him.

修女是宫嫔,神甫是太监。The nun was the odalisque, the priest was the eunuch.

崇自杀连同一个太监王成恩。Chongzhen suicided together with a eunuch Wang Chengen.

小李飞刀一瞬间,匡翔变成小太监。Xiao li fly knife moment, KuangXiang into little eunuch.

因为她们被我拉到慈宁宫当了太监,哦!Because they are the eunuchs when I pulled Cining Gong, oh!

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比如,童贯是太监,因此他会有一点同性恋情结。For instance, Tong Guan is a eunuch, so he is a little gay.

10弘治即位后不久便清除了他父亲所宠幸的官员和太监。Yet, Hongzhi did away with his father’s officials and eunuchs.

众武士和太监齐声喝采。All the wrestlers and eunuchs present applauded enthusiastically.

做太监的人有福了,因为他们必名垂千古。Blessed are the eunuchs, for they shall obtain an everlasting name.

太监毕竟是太监,一个阉过的人干出什么大事也呢?Eunuch is eunuch, how could a castrated person achieve great things?

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“有劳贵公公。”东方夫人冲着那太监点点头。"Have the Lao the grandfather. "The east madam hurtles namely to nod.

可能是太监的肉嫩吧,要不怎么要劁猪的。I guess a eunuch has tender meat. Maybe that's why they castrate pigs.

所以根本上说来,哈里亚纳邦的男性都是太监,连女人都保护不了。So basically, all Haryana men are Eunuchs. They cant protect their women.