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新疆是个少数民族问题的火药箱。Xijiang is an ethnic tinder-box.

在各方面他都与其希腊邻居不一样,他就应该是少数民族。In each case, he would be a minority.

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布依族是我国南方的少数民族。Bouyei is the southern minority in China.

毛南族是广西特有的少数民族。Maonan is a peculiar minority to Guangxi.

这个地区居住有21个少数民族的成员。Members of 21 minorities live in this area.

少数民族有姆扎布族和图阿雷格族。Muzabu minorities and the Tuareg ethnic group.

你们不应歧视少数民族。You should not discriminate against minorities.

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在印度,少数民族骚扰主体民族。In India the minority is harrassing the majority.

而少数民族仅在重度精神病患者中为预测因子。Minority race was a predictor in the SMI group only.

布朗族是云南省特有的少数民族之一。The Bulang nationality is native to Yunnan Province.

土族、撒拉族是青海省特有的少数民族。Tu and Sala are the extra minority of QingHai province.

契丹民族曾是中国北方的一个少数民族。Qidan nations was a minority in the north of our country.

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维吾尔人是讲突厥语的中国回教徒少数民族。The Uighurs are a Turkic-speaking Chinese Muslim minority.

北朝诸政权多为少数民族所建。The kaiserdom in Bei Dynasty was mostly built by minority.

梅拉文化节主要展示少数民族的文化和艺术。The festival demonstrates ethnic minority arts and culture.

火把节是我国哪些少数民族的节日?Which following nationalities celebrate the Torch Festival?

湘西少数民族群众为这条“富民路”的开通而欢腾。Xiangxi minorities are cheering for the expressway opening.

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大多数犹太人都把阿拉伯少数民族视为一个潜在的第五纵队。Most Jews see the Arab minority as a potential fifth column.

占族是个少数民族,另外我听说占族的族人们都是穆斯林。I heard Cham people are muslim, and they are ethnic minority.

看起来汉族和少数民族的比例是很正确的。The ratio of Han to minorities seems pretty well represented.