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我跌倒,我晕厥,我窒息!I die, I faint, I fall!

我热得都快要窒息了。I’m suffocating and hot.

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灵魂的窒息症!Suffocation of the soul.

他们现在还没有窒息。They are not choking yet.

覆盖物太多使植物窒息。Smother plants with mulch.

你不想成使人窒息的人。You don't like to be smothered.

自然的美丽让我几乎窒息。The natural beauty made me gasp.

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受害人被窒息致死。The victim was smothered to death.

这个紧领使我有窒息之感。This tight collar is strangling me.

历史缓慢地将真理窒息,?。History slowly smothers its truth, ?

审慎的顾虑几乎被猖狂的欲念窒息。Is almost choked by unresisted lust.

卢芭陷入泥沼中窒息而死。Lyuba had choked to death in the mud.

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Magill说,她因呕吐物堵塞而窒息死亡。She choked on her vomit, Magill said.

歹徒用她的衣服使她窒息而死。She. had been smothered with her coat.

我会因为那气味窒息的。Thought I'd asphyxiate from the smell.

所谓的呼吸让我窒息。What men call breathing suffocates me.

浓香的烟雾窒息了我的心。The aroma of coffee always cheers me up.

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胆怯和淫猥,使得你窒息。And stifled thee, their minister. I know.

调查员相信她是窒息而死的。Investigators believe she was suffocated.

它钳住我的喉咙,窒息了我的歌声。It grips my throat, it chokes my singing.