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浮土积卑丘,葬石砌城骨。The surface integral low mounds, burial stone city bone.

去除所有的浮土、污垢、油污和松动涂层。Remove all lose material, fouling , grease and lose coating.

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记忆中的1993年夏天,太阳很大,雨水很少,一直干干的空气中到处飘着浮土的气味。Once up on a time , there was a little boy called Ukim. Ok, I was not little enough by the year 1993.

高压路面清扫机是热熔、冷漆标线施工中的辅助设备。主要用于路面上泥浆浮土以及冷漆标线的清除工作。This machine does cleaning work depending on that the engine driving the steel wire going around and grinding.

如住客房上面放有行李,准绳上是不要挪动客人行李,而是把外貌浮土擦走即可。If the living room is arranged on the luggage, the criterion is not moving luggage, but the surface regolith can wipe away.

临近的玻璃窗上有些许灰尘,一粒粒端庄的坐在那里,散发的浮土的味道。On close to glass window, some allow dust, a grain of grain dignified sit there, the taste of the surface dust of distribution.

涵管机基底标高必需按设计严格控制,一切疏松浮土必需清除。He slipped end-over-end machine basal elevation according to design must strictly controlled, lose material must remove all loose.

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文章概要分析了水平线圈法在干旱浮土覆盖地区普查找矿的效果和效率。This paper briefly introduces the effect and efficiency of horizontal coil method used for reconnaissance survey and prospecting in the area covered with arid regolith.

他瞅了半天见没啥动静,赶紧从四外找来些干菜叶和一些浮土,把洞口遮盖起来。That he take a look at for a long time, see Mosha static and dynamic, and quickly recruited some dry leaves from all around and a number of surface dust, the hole covered up.

环保专家称,去年冬天北方旱情严重,草地植被枯干程度较高,地表浮土裸露,遭遇干燥大风极易形成扬尘。Environmentalists have blamed a winter drought for less vegetation in the northern grasslands resulting in increased risks of dust blowing into Beijing during the dry windy spring.

我们要把厩肥刨下来,砸碎冻块,翻捣一遍,再由马车运到田里卸下,一堆一堆地纵横成行,铲一层浮土盖上,等到开春撒开。We needed to dig down barnyard manure , shiver, and turn and pound, then carry to fields by coaches, and pile up as lines, then cover soil on them, uncover them when spring coming.