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这话听上去就像一个总指挥说的那样。It makes him sound like a commander-in-chief.

他任命格兰特为联邦军的总指挥。Grant was appointed general in chief of the Union army.

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他还特别向国会议员强调,布什总统才是总指挥。He pointedly reminded lawmakers that Bush is commander in chief.

有一个总指挥,还有特种部队以及其它女看守。There was a commandant, plus special troops, and other female guards.

他是这艘护航舰的总指挥,权利很大。He is the commander in chief of this escort , and he holds great power.

在最顶端的是总统,“工业军队”的总指挥。At the head is the President, commander-in-chief of the "industrial army."

公元1547年,勃应囊被任命为进军泰国的总指挥。Bayin Naung was appointed commander-in-chief of the invading army in AD 1547.

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严格遵照总指挥长的指示决不冒然行事。Enforce general controller's instruction, not allow taking action individually.

愚蠢,真是愚蠢!又是愚蠢总指挥的一个愚蠢的命令!Osean G This is insane. Insane! Just another stupid decision by those idiots at HQ!

中国国际救援队总指挥黄建发表示,海地地震中其他7名中方被埋人员幸存的可能性较小。Hopes of survival of the other 7 are dwindling, Huang Jianfa, chief of the rescue team, said Friday.

向有经验的妈妈学习如何处理婴儿腹胀,如何做这次怀孕的总指挥。Learning from others who have survived can help with a new colicky baby. Take control of this pregnancy.

到达现场后马上了解火情,迅速向总指挥长报告火情情况。To know fire situation and report to commander in chief as soon as possible when they arrive at fire spot.

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擎天柱重回塞伯坦,筹备夺回塞伯坦,临行命通天晓为地球基地总指挥。Optimus Prime leads Ultra Magnus on Earth as City Commander and begins preparations for retaking Cybertron.

它作出了巨大的印象,对统帅和他晋升的总指挥官,在他的军队。It made a great impression on the imperator and he was promoted to the rank of commander-in-chief in his army.

在配备高科技设备的会议室里,精神抖擞的基地总指挥本斯上校热情地和我握手。Inside a high-tech briefing room the equally perky base commander, Colonel Bence, shook my hand enthusiastically.

英语四级是他的总指挥官,四级考试是舰队司令Sananda。假如你想要战役,你就会得到战斗,兄弟们,然而这可不容乐观。I am his CHIEF COMMANDER, I am ADMIRAL Sananda. You want war, you will get war, brothers, and it shan't be pretty.

一分钟后,常万全,总指挥中心宣布,剥离已经取得了圆满成功。A minute later, Chang Wanquan, chief commander of the center, announced that the lift-off had been a complete success.

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在阿富汗的北约国际安全援助部队的总指挥麦基尔南将军在美国国防部告诉记者,阿富汗南部和东部的安全形势继续恶化。McKiernan says NATO forces are in a very tough fight against an insurgency that could get worse before it gets better.

党卫队总指挥赫尔伯特基列的人花了四天的时间乘坐铁路到达了多瑙河畔的科马尔诺。SS-Obergruppenführer Herbert Gille's men spent four days on freezing trains moving down to Komorno on the River Danube.

“我将全权负责救援总指挥工作,国务院已分派出八个专务部门负责求助”温总理说道。"I will be in charge of relief work headquarters that has been set up with eight State Council departments, " Wen said.