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不管怎样,基地组织已经在英国发现了便利的兵源。Either way, in Britain al-Qaeda has found an easy source of recruits.

特拉斯科特的部下正在竭尽全力,但我们没有补充兵源给他们。Truscott's men are doing their best, but we have no replacements for them.

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君克劳迪亚斯难以征集兵源补充自己的军队。Claudius the Cruel was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join his military leagues.

南方需要大量的兵源和各种各样的补给,而现在他们想获得足够的补充以便能够打赢这场战争已经没有什么希望了。The southern army needed men and supplies. There was little hope of getting enough of either to win.

用你的魔术技巧,以直接增援到足够的兵源,你可以用特别的远程运输和观赏你的勇士扑救等。Use your magic skill to direct enough troops to the coloured teleporters and watch your warriors fight.

迪堡说,伊拉克的战事造成对兵源的需求促使募兵人员「更努力,也更有策略的进行任务。」Dibble said that manpower demands caused by the Iraq war are forcing recruiters to work "harder and smarter."

于是,为准备兵源的军事训练和体育竞技,逐渐变为和平与友谊的运动会。Therefore, to prepare the manpower resources military training and sports athletics, becomes peace and the friendship games gradually.

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目前联合国维和行动出兵国主要来自发展中国家,我们呼吁更多国家向维和行动提供兵源。At present, most troop contributing countries are developing countries. We call on more countries to contribute troops to the peacekeeping operations.

相应地,元首制时期的罗马军队经历了两个重要变化。一是兵源募选日益本土化,这使军团和辅助军之间的区别日渐淡化。Firstly, the distinction between legiones and auxilia became less and less distinguishable in that both were increasingly made up of men locally recruited.

抗美援朝很艰难,没有制空权,炮弹不足,物资供给困难,兵源补充不及时,防空设施基本是空白。Resist very difficult, no air, shell is insufficient, supplies difficulties, &political supplement is not seasonable, air defense facilities basic is blank.

这两支非法部队都妄图对该地区实施掌控,因为该地区资源丰富,同时70%的贫困率有助于保持稳定的兵源。Both sets of illegal armies covet control of the region, where despite a wealth of resources, a 70 percent poverty rate helps maintain a steady flow of recruits.

塔利班拥有的兵源看似源源不绝,他们在巴基斯坦受到庇护。较之外国军队,几乎可以确定他们有更强大的留驻能力。The Taliban have a seemingly inexhaustible supply of recruits, enjoy sanctuary in Pakistan and almost certainly have greater staying power than the foreign troops.

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出于兵源补充的需要,宋代强化对军人的身份控制,形成了后世军户的雏形。Out of the need to supply manpower in the army, Song rulers strengthened the control of the soldiers, which formed the embryonic form of hereditary soldiers in later ages.

特别登记丁、中男口和合已受田数,与封建国家重视赋役、兵源和执行均田制有关。The male population has been Ukeda the number of harmony, and the feudal state attaches importance to liturgical, manpower resources and implementation of the Equal-field related.

这些方法被一再证明行之有效,原因之一是八路军的兵源是华北农民。The success of these methods, which proved their worth time and again, can be explained in part by the character of the North China peasantry from whose ranks the soldiers were drawn.

北方可以向全世界要求提供物资和兵源,在它优厚的金钱引诱下,成千上万的爱尔兰人和日耳曼人源源不断地涌入联邦军队。The North could call on the whole world for supplies and for soldiers, and thousands of Irish and Germans were pouring into the Union Army, lured by the bounty money offered by the North.

目的了解野战部队新兵眼部疾病谱及危险因素情况,为部队征召合格的兵源提供参考。Objective To investigate the oculopathy spectrum, potential risk factors in recruits of field troops and to offer referential information for the recruitment of the better qualified soldiers.

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岭南既是东吴财赋、兵源的重要供应地,也是东吴海外贸易的主要基地,它对东吴政权的稳固有着举足轻重的作用。In turn, as an important source of Dongwu's financial revenue and soldier supply and a major base for its overseas trade, Lingnan played a fundamental role in maintenance of the Kingdom's reign.