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很魁梧Now, that's just huge.

那位将军是位身材魁梧的老人。The general is a portly old man.

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这个足球运动员张得魁梧强壮。The football player is big and muscular.

他是一个高大魁梧的人,相当健壮。He was a big, well-built man, and rather heavy.

你感到你比对面的人更强壮更魁梧。You feel bigger and stronger than the next guy.

埃杰克斯是位身材魁梧、骁勇善战、但头脑迟钝的人。Ajax was a man of giant stature, daring but slow.

他身材魁梧,留着红色的八字胡。He was heavily-built and sported a red moustache.

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那些橄榄球运动员看上去既高大,又魁梧。Those football players are huge. They look burly.

一位魁梧、健壮的男子在酒吧遇到了一位女子。A large, powerfully-built guy meets a woman at a bar.

他是个高个子,体格有点魁梧,并且还有一头又黑又卷的头发。He's tall, kind of heavyset , and he has dark, wavy hair.

藏獒很魁梧,在那里象征着路威。Tibetan mastiffs are massive, fluffy status symbols there.

“你的体重的危险,”这位身材魁梧,生姜头发的冲浪者。"You weigh the dangers, " says the burly, ginger-haired surfer.

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他高大魁梧,蓝眼睛,长着一头浓密的白发。He was a very tall,big man with blue eyes and a lot of white hair.

据说,他们不仅身材魁梧、力大无穷,而且形体俊美。They were said to have bodies of great size, strength, and beauty.

魁梧宽肩,白天里看的话应该是40岁左右,也许还要年长点。Burly and broad-shouldered, forty if he was a day, and maybe older.

他高大魁梧,蓝眼睛,长着一头浓密的白发。He was a very tall, big man with, blue eyes and a for of white hair.

迪克是个身材魁梧、富有魅力的人,他和母亲一样非常喜欢看赛马。Dick was a big, attractive guy who loved the races as much as she did.

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马士提夫犬是一种高大、魁梧、匀称的狗,结构紧密。The Mastiff is a large, massive, symmetrical dog with a well-knit frame.

完成与意大利皮革或苯胺革椅垫和魁梧。Finished with Italian Leather or aniline leather upholstery and strapping.

身材魁梧的小刘接受采访时完全没有吸毒者的萎靡。Tall and strapping Liu interviews of the drug did not make them apathetic.