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而它与东边美国以及西邻诸国的关系都不靠谱。Yet it is not fully secure in its relationship with either east or west.

西邻月亮湾100米,东距第一海水浴场0米,烟台山公园1000米。West of north of 100 meters, 0 meters east of the first beach, Yantai Park 1000 meters.

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广西海岸带滨临北部湾,东接广东,西邻越南,隔北部湾与海南岛相望。Coastal zone in Guangxi connects that in Guangdong to the east and borders Viet Nam to the west.

西班牙位于欧洲的西南部,西邻葡萄牙,东接比利牛斯山脉,和法国分了开来。Spain is in the southwest of Europe, bordered by Portugal on the west, and the Pyrenees Mountains in the east.

本公司位于山东省中部,西邻济南机场,东靠青岛港口,位置优越,交通便利。Our company is located in the middle of Shandong province with a close proximity to Jinan airport and Qingdao seaport.

公司邻近京沪高速高邮出口段,西邻京杭大运河高邮港,交通便捷。Our company is closed to the Gao You exit of Jing-Hu Speedway and Jing Hang Canal in west so the traffic is convenience.

项目地块选址北邻普陀沟、南邻人寿金融城、西邻内环线。The location of the project site is bordered by Putuogou, Renshou City and the inner ring to the north, the south and the west.

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亚美尼亚东邻阿塞拜疆,西邻土耳其,占据石油和天然气输送的要道。Azerbaijan to the east and Turkey to the west closed their borders with Armenia, cutting off most routes for oil and natural gas.

东与喷鼻港隔海相望,南与澳门相连,西邻新会、台山市,北与中山市交界。East and Hong Kong across the sea, linked to South and Macao, to the west, Taishan City, Zhongshan City, which borders the north.

位于湖北省武汉市武昌阅马厂,西邻黄鹤楼,北倚蛇山,南面首义广场。Wuchang, Wuhan, Hubei Province is located in Machang reading, toured the west, north Snake Mountain, south of the Uprising Square.

昆山市地处中国东南沿海长江三角洲的东部,东距上海50公里,西邻苏州37公里。Kunshan is located in the east of the Yangtze River Delta. Shanghai is only 50 km away on the east and Suzhou is 37 km away on the west.

邢台宾馆西邻市政府,南靠繁华商业区,距火车站、汽车站1公里,交通便利,购物方便。Xingtai Hotel next to the city, busy commercial area south from the railway station, bus station 1 km, transportation , shopping convenience.

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老挝是一个内陆东南亚国家,与缅甸和中国相邻,东接缅甸,南接柬埔寨,西邻泰国。Laos is a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, bordered by Myanmar and China, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the south, and Thailand to the west.

乌克兰有4800万人口,东接俄罗斯,西邻欧盟,与土耳其隔黑海相望,是此三国眼中的一块“肥肉”。Bordering Russia in the east, the European Union in the west and Turkey across the Black Sea, this country of 48m people is of interest to all three.

所在的石井镇南接厦门翔安、西邻漳州、北靠泉州市区,交通非常便利。Neighboring Xiang'an of Xiamen on the south, Zhangzhou on the west and Quanzhou on the east, respectively, Shijing enjoy very convenient transportation.

位于非洲西部撒哈拉沙漠南缘的内陆国。西邻毛里塔尼亚和塞内加尔,北、东与阿尔及利亚和尼日尔为邻,南接几内亚、科特迪瓦和布基纳法索。Mali borders Algeria on the north, Niger on the east, Burkina Faso and Coted'Ivoire on the south, Guinea on the south-west, and Senegal and Mauritania on the west.

尼加拉瓜位于中美洲中部,西邻太平洋,东濒加勒比海,属于地震频发国家,每年监测到大小地震数百次。Nicaragua in Central America, central, west Pacific, east Caribbean, is earthquake-prone countries, to monitor the size of earthquakes each year hundreds of times.

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酒店南临辽阔的独墅湖,西邻按国际比赛标准建设的27洞高尔夫球场,地理位置得天独厚。With the broad Dushu Lake to the south and an international standard 27-holes golf course to the west, Jinji Lake Grand Hotel is abounding in gifts of natural beauty.

东朝东海,南接瑞安市,西邻鹿城、瓯海二区,北濒瓯江,与永嘉县、乐清市隔江相望。East towards the East China Sea, south Ruian City, west Lucheng, Ouhai 2 Zone, the North Endangered Oujiang, and Yongjia county, Yueqing City, across the Yangtze River.

南京金焊焊接实业有限公司,座落于南京上坊工业园。西邻将军山风景区,东邻南京禄口国际机场。Nanjing Jinhan Welding Industrial Co. , Ltd. , is located in Nanjing industrial park on the Square. General Mountain west, the east Nanjing Lukou International Airport.