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陈赟是出生于1980年代的艺坛新秀。Born in the 1980s, Chen Yun is an emerging Chinese artist.

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京剧流派异彩纷呈,风格迥异各有千秋,在京剧舞台与艺坛上熠熠生辉。Beijing Opera has many schools with distinct styles and their own merits.

自1990年代,台湾进入美术馆主导艺坛潮势的时期。Beginning in the 1990s, the Taiwanese art scene entered into a museum-driven era.

他们在西方艺坛获得极大成功有多种原因。Meanwhile it attained a great success in the West. There are several reasons for this.

梵高显然深受当时袭卷巴黎艺坛的印象派画风影响。Van Gogh was undoubtedly influenced by the Impressionism that swept the city's art world.

他说,关键在于发展本地艺坛,而非仅仅集中在西九龙区域。The key, he says, is to develop the local art scene rather than concentrating solely on West Kowloon.

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经常出现在报纸,杂志,广播和电视,小姜正成为本地艺坛一个图标。Appearing regularly on newspapers, magazines, radio and TV, Ginger is becoming an icon of the local arts scene.

从另一方面理解「不知名」就是不著名,亦是方氏对其作为新晋艺术家于本地艺坛地位的一种解读。The artist takes an anonymous role in the local art scene, suggesting his state of emergence and not being well-known.

他丰富的社交生活吸引普罗大众的注目,更重要的,绘画作品中的柔和风格也让艺坛大开眼界。He fascinated the art world and the general public with his vivid social life and more importantly the tenderness of his paintings.

继纽约艺坛的第一次活动,在托尼奖上,保罗很快就把让名人在翻领上戴上红丝带作为目标。Following first events in the New York art scene, Paul soon was aiming at having celebrities wear the Red Ribbon at the Tony Awards.

在品类繁多的民间剪纸艺坛上,蔚县剪纸以构图饱满、造型生动、色彩绚丽、工艺奇异的艺术风格,独树一帜。In many kinds of folk paper-cut art, the composition Yuxian paper-cut to full, dynamic, vivid, colorful, craft peculiar artistic style, unique.

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曾御钦自2007年获邀卡塞尔文件展以来,一直以其鲜明的录像作品风格及纯熟的创作语汇深受国际艺坛的瞩目。Since 2007's Kassel Documenta exhibit, Tseng's distinctive video works and mature creative language have made him a focus of the international art world.

中国文坛和艺坛的精英分子也定期在国内和国外积极参加国际性的文化交流活动。The elite of the Chinese literary and artistic community regularly attend cultural gatherings at home and abroad with active international participation.

世纪之交,杰克挥别艺坛,归隐利物浦,重拾旧业,事文员职,谋食于布思航运公司。Around the turn of the century, he came off the road for good, returned to Liverpool, and resumed his old life as a clerk, this time with the Booth shipping line.

与艺坛耀目的成就相比,梅艳芳的个人问题却始终是“老大难”,难怪她不止一次表示“最遗憾是没把自己嫁掉。”Compared with her achievement in her career, her personal life is a real problem. No wonder she often says that her greatest regret is that she still hasn't got married.

作品震惊于西方艺坛,也为艺术家赢得有艺术界诺贝尔奖之称的「麦克阿瑟奖」,也因此奠定了艺术家日后的创作方向。This work shocked the Western art circle in the way that it earned for the artist the MacArthur Award, a Nobel equivalent in art, thus shaping Xu's artistic orientation.

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作为美术教育家,他悉心指点年轻一代,培养了大批绘画人材,其中许多人已成为我国艺坛各个方面的骨干。As art educator, he carefully give direct the younger generation to cultivate a large number of painting talent and many of them have become the backbone of every aspect of our art scene.

对艺术新闻或特定专栏感兴趣的使用者,可以透过期刊内容,了解台湾艺坛的资讯选择动向。Those interested in art journalism or in specialist columns, can refer to the Periodicals section to gain an understanding of the selective trends in journalistic coverage of the art world.