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出线口数。Out let Number.

智利队以B组第二的成绩出线。Chile qualified as second in Group B.

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韩国队以B组第二的成绩出线。South Korea qualified as second in Group B.

进出线口有多种方式及规格。Several inlet and oytlet methods and specifications.

拧紧出线嘴,盖上接线盖。Tighten thew offtrack and cover the connection cover.

人们对他出线不抱希望,但就是这么一支球队,曾以其出色表现在1966年让意大利队颜面无存。But the team is well known for its surprise performance in 1966.

很显然,我们希望最后能以小组头名出线,而我们现在离完成目标还有一段距离。Obviously we want to finish on top and we still have a lot to do.

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未能出线的两组进入银碟准决赛。The bottom two teams from each group advance to the Plate semi-finals.

而两连败的莎拉波娃,小组出线仅剩理论上的可能。But two successive defeats Sharapova, the group only theoretically possible.

计算最大外形尺寸时,需加上进出线口尺寸。It should be included the inlet and outlet dimension for the max overall dim.

天空体育在这里分析了一下各小组的出线形势。Here, skysports. com looks at all the qualification permutations in each group.

在0-2完败墨西哥之后,法国队几乎已经无缘小组出线。In total defeat Mexico 0-2 after the French team almost missed the first round.

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本小组的另一场比赛,乌拉圭1比0小胜墨西哥,以小组头名出线。In the group's other match, Uruguay topped the group with a 1-0 win over Mexico.

贝尼特斯深知平局足以让红军确保出线,但是他不会让他的球员龟缩防守。Benitez knows a draw would be enough but he will not send his team out to defend.

这件衣服是妈妈一针一线细细缝制的,几乎看不出线脚。This dress was sewn by my mother carefully and the stitches are almost invisible.

能够小组第一出线很给力,现在我们就等着看我们的淘汰赛对手是谁了。It's good to be top of the group, and we'll wait and see who our next opponent is.

设有纵横两个方向的进出线口,适合多种布灯方案。The crisscross inlet and outlet holes make various types of lamp routing possible.

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穆雷说“如果我能直落两局战胜沃达斯科,出线就有很大的把握。”"If I win in straight sets against Verdasco, then I have a great chance, " said Murray.

假如波尔图未能击败顿涅茨克矿工,希腊人竞技只需要一场平局就能够出线。A draw will be enough to ensure a top-two finish if Porto fail to beat Shakhtar Donetsk.

不过,主场被逼成0-0意味着他们只能在开罗力争出线。But they were held to a 0-0 draw at home, meaning they had to seek qualification in Cairo.