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关注公共数据。Mine public data.

遵守公共秩序。Observe public order.

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我从公共广播电台听到的。I got this off of NPR.

我们乘坐公共车好吗?Shall we take the bus?

公共电话在哪儿?Where is public telephone?

这是一个公共约定。This is a common convention.

在公共场合吐痰是粗鲁的。It is rude to spit in public.

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在公共汽车站那儿的那个人是彼得。That's Peter at the bus-stop.

请问公共汽车站在哪里?Where is the bus stop,please?

马克.凯斯勒公共关系部Mark Kessler, public relations

公共艺术,谁才是委托人?Pubilc Art, Who is the Client?

第二,开通更多的公共交通线路。Second, open up more buslines.

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最近的公共汽车站在哪?Where is the nearest bus-stop?

我在公共汽车站遇到一位朋友。I met a friend at the bus-stop.

不用再去公共厕所。No more using communal toilets.

公共汽车站在那个转角处。The bus stop is on that corner.

那里就有公共汽车站。There is a bus-stop just there.

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在当地素有“午夜公园”之称的维多利亚公园是伦敦第一个公共公园。was London's first public park.

定义主体公共文档类型。Defines the body public doctype.

到公共汽车站怎么样?。How about going to the bus-stop?