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他母亲直截了当地拒绝了他。His mother refused point-blank.

她直截了当的拒绝了这个提议。She refused the offer point-blank.

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你回答重难点型时要直截了当。Be direct when you says the question.

因此,现在我往往直截了当地回答“没有”。So now I answer it simply with "“nope."

这样就会更直截了当和敏锐。It's to be more forthright and incisive.

直截了当地告诉她,她总是唱低了音。Tell her flat, she sings flat all the time.

我也不知道,直截了当地说,我不知道I don't know. The short answer is I don't know.

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姜建清因其直截了当的风格而赢得了赞誉。Mr. Jiang has won plaudits for his direct style.

我不会直截了当地问他,我要先探探他的口风。I won't ask him directly. I'll feel my way first.

直截了当地说,民主党人在他周围帮着倒忙,忙出一团糟来。Put bluntly, the Democrats are messing him around.

一次,我约会了一位法国电影导演,他直截了当。One date, with a French movie director, stands out.

这似乎非常直截了当。It might seem as though it's fairly straightforward.

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给我一个直截了当的答复。To this the unthinking will give an off-hand answer.

直截了当地问明求职跟进事宜。Ask directly for advice on how and when to follow up.

韦尔奇以性子急、大嗓门和直截了当而闻名。Mr. Welch was known for being brash, loud and direct.

这句话更像是表示一种可能,而非直截了当地说“不”。This is more like a “Maybe” than a straight out “No”.

我一定要你给我一个直截了当的回答。I must insist on you give me a straightforward answer.

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“朱厄特生先,很抱歉,”他不由得直截了当地说。I'm sorry, Mr. Jewett, " he heard himself say flatly."

当他要我们付现金时,我们就直截了当地拒绝。When he asked us to pay cash, we turned him down flat.

但我们不能如此直截了当地做出结论。But the conclusions do not follow so straightforwardly.