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这个主犯被判无期徒刑。The principal criminal was sentenced to life imprisonment.

赖昌星,福建晋江人,厦门某特大走私案主犯。Lai, Jinjiang, Fujian, Xiamen smuggling case of a principal.

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警方一举拘捕了一名主犯和两名同案犯。The police arrested one principal criminal and two accomplices.

周四洛克比空难主犯被释放事件现在引发了更多争论。And there is more fall-out today over Thursday's release of a Lockerbie bomber.

其“主犯”之一就是网络臭虫,跟踪用户在网上的活动并加以标记。One chief culprit is Web bugs, tags that track users as they move from website to website.

主犯赵鹏运被判服刑15年,并处罚金3亿多元。Zhao Pengyun, the chief culprit, was sentenced to serve 15 years in jail and also fined RMB300.34m.

雷敦伯格是一个出色的马拉松运动员,同时也是一系列银行抢劫案的主犯。Mentholatum Berg is an excellent marathon athletes, but also the principal series of bank robberies.

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如果一案件中存在多个主犯,一般只能对核心角色的主犯适用死刑。If in a case there are several principal criminals, only the core of them can be applied with death penalty.

张玉军,政府所谓的丑闻主犯之一,被判死刑。Zhang Yujun, whom the government called one of the “principal criminals” in the scandal, was sentenced to death.

在通过这些网站的虚假点击赚到钱后,主犯会将钱打给各个参与人。After monetizing these fake websites via fraudulent ad clicks, the perpetrators then wired money to their various contractors.

利比亚像对待英雄般欢迎1988年洛克比空难唯一主犯的归来,英国政府对此表示谴责。The British government has condemned the hero's welcome Libya gave to the only man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing in 1988.

该案件一度成为焦作市民谈论的热门。12日,该案主犯之一王鸽华被打针执行死刑。The case became a hot Jiaozuo people for some time. 12, the principal case, one of King Pigeon China has been an injection executed.

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远华特大走私案主犯赖昌星之子赖俊健日前从加拿大回国。Lai Junjian, son of Lai Changxing, the alleged mastermind of a multi-billion-dollar smuggling racket in Fujian, returned home from Canada.

这是美国搞的政治闹剧。美国是主犯。为什么地球人就不理解呢?特别是中东人。This all political drama from US. US is the main culprit. Why world people not understand this i don't know?? Specially middle-east people.

布朗的发言人称,他已向奥巴马总统解释,释放空难主犯是苏格兰政府的决定。Brown said he'd explained to President Obama that the release of the bomber Abdelbaset Al Megrahi had been a decision for the Scottish authorities.

拉姆齐‧优素福,是这次袭击的主犯,他那时很可能在为卡勒德.默罕默德酋长效力,穆罕默德当时是一名独立经营商。Ramzi Yousef, who was the main perpetrator of the attack, was probably working for Khaled Sheikh Mohammed who was an independent operator at the time.

经过五个小时的商议之后,陪审团接受了韦伯斯特关于弗兰克·克纳普是本案的主犯且应该被认定为谋杀罪的论证。After just five hours of deliberation the jury accepted Webster’s contention that Frank Knapp was a principal to the crime and convicted him of murder.

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犯罪集团的首要分子对集团所犯全部罪行承担刑事责任,一般主犯则只对其参与、组织、指挥的全部犯罪承担刑事责任。The chief element or ringleader is responsible for all crime of mob, while the general principal offender is responsible for those that involved himself.

目前加拿大方面启动移民遣返程序欲将原中国银行案主犯高山遣返回中国。At present, Canada start the immigration repatriation process to Gaoshan, the principal criminal of the Bank of China mountains to send him back to China.

造成2004年马德里火车爆炸案的犯罪团伙头目被宣布无罪释放,另有三名主犯被判谋杀等罪。The accused ringleader of the 2004 Madrid train bombings has been acquitted . The three lead defendants were found guilty of mass murder and other charges.