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应该警惕什么?Vigilance against what?

我们必须保持高度的警惕。We have to stay vigilant.

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我们必须时刻保持警惕。We must remain ever vigilant.

她偏离主题去做南瓜饼了”之后,他很快就放下了警惕。She deviated to pumpkin bread.

时刻警惕着隆隆声和摇晃。Alert for the rumble and shake.

我们必须不能放松警惕。We should never lower our guard.

对警示性的迹象保持警惕Keep an eye out for warning signs

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但我们决不能放松警惕。But we must not let down our guard.

我立刻坐直身保持警惕。I sat up straight to stay vigilant.

提高警惕,他是一个狡猾的老狐狸。Be on your guard! He's a sly old fox.

我们必须保持高度警惕。We have to maintain active vigilance.

我们提高警惕,抓住了那个窃贼。We kept alive and caught the burglar.

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一个焦渴的湖。谨慎。警惕。A lake that thirsts. Beware. Be warned.

托比和我警惕地向对方瞪视着。Toby and I stared at each other warily.

是一份警惕,人生苦短,请珍惜。I wish I have a smale and beautiful life.

我一听这话,当下就警惕起来。Hearing this, I was instantly on the alert.

保持体姿的警惕和自信。Keep your body posture alert and confident.

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朋友提醒我们警惕险难。Our friends give us warnings against danger.

任何时候我们都要保持高度警惕。We must maintain keen vigilance at all time.

但中国的安全部队还是要保持警惕。But China’s security forces will be vigilant.