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之后,用水磨机对石板的边角进行抛光。After that, use water-mill machine to polish the edges and angles of the slate material.

在水磨头村,神头二电厂一个煤灰水坝上空的煤灰让人窒息。Ash chokes the sky above a coal ash dam owned by the Shentou number two power plant, in Shuimotou village.

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在果园乡赵家水磨附近发现的骟马类型的文化,可能就是他们居住过的遗址。Rural Water Mill in the orchard Zhao geld horses found near the type of culture, may be living off their sites.

本文介绍一种用于磨心与磨盖磨合的新方法——水磨法。这种方法与干磨法相比,具有节省工时、效率高、质量好的优点。This paper introduces a kind of new method used to grinding of grind centre and grind cap—water grinding method.

把钱看作是你思想中水磨的动力,通过它,你经常可以研磨出新的对世界有益的想法。Look upon money as water that runs the mill of your mind. You are constantly grinding out ideas that the world needs.

金黄玉米、大米经过浸泡、水磨、过滤处理,煮熟、成型、冷却后制得黄色鲜嫩可口的米豆腐。Delicious rice-tofu could be made by the process of immersion, water grinding, filtration, boiling, shaping and cooling.

那件带飘带的白衬衣太漂亮了,当配上一条水磨蓝的牛仔裤时,我们嫉妒得快发疯了。That belt streamerwhite shirt too has been attractive, when is joined to levigation bluejeans , we envied quickly go crazy.

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富人以褶皱的、水磨穿的石灰石来建造庭院,把太湖石置放在竹林和菊花丛中。The wealthy built gardens that featured the lake's wrinkled, water-scarred limestone rocks set in groves of bamboo and chrysanthemum.

公司创立于2000年,生产型,有滚齿机,大水磨,大车床,剪板机,折弯机及冲床等。Founded in 2000, production-based, hobbing machine , the Shuimo, the lathe, cutting plate machine, such as bending machines and punch.

中国四川汶川水磨古镇电子导游,独具风格的手绘地图,精细透彻的语音讲解,温馨的旅游提示,软件在手,轻松玩转旅途。Water mill town Wenchuan electronic guide, the unique style of hand-drawn maps, fine voice and thorough explanation, warm travel tips.

在水磨头,持续不断渗入的煤灰水已使村里房子的地基变形,以致墙上出现了裂缝。In Shuimotou, continuous seepage of coal-ash water has deformed the foundations of village houses, causing cracks to develop in their walls.

水磨法绿豆淀粉的凝沈速度要比酸桨法淀粉快,且凝沈体积大。The viscosity and velocity of retrogradation of mungbean starch from wet milling processing were better than acidic steeping liquor processing.

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花旦的工作地点在峨眉县的水磨中学,这里距震中汶川有7个小时的车程。这所学校里的孩子是从汶川搬过来的。The children in Shuimo Middle School in Ermei where Hua Dan is working have all been relocated from Wenchuan, the earthquake's epicenter, seven hours away by bus.

以河南省长葛市坡胡镇水磨河村为例,通过实际调查,明确我国农村基层环境管理现状。Taking Shuimohe village in Henan Province as an example, the present situation of the environmental administration in the rural areas was studied by investigation.

将葛根切片,水磨澄取淀粉,粳米泡一宿,与葛根同入沙锅内,加水500毫升,文火煮至粥稠服用。Will puerarin slice, joint chengcheng take starch, japonica bubble night, and to the tasty casserole inside, pueraria lobata 500 ml, add water to boil until thickened taking fire porridge.