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您需要行李车吗?。Do you need a trolley?

我能用这辆行李车吗?Can I use the baggage cart?

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我能用这辆行李车吗?Can I use this baggage cart?

这里没有行李车吗?Do they have baggage carts here?

请稍等,我往拿一辆行李车。Just a moment, please. I'll bring a trolley.

请稍等,我去推一辆行李车来。Please wait, I went to pushing a luggage cart.

我们有两个卧铺车厢和一辆70英尺长的行李车。We had two Pullman cars and a 70-foot baggage car.

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请稍等一下,我去推一个行李车。Just a moment please , I have brought your baggage.

请等一会,我把行李车带过来。British Just a moment, please. I'll bring a trolley.

请稍等一下,我去推一个行李车。Just ta moment please , I have brought your baggage.

那大行李车全部卸载完了。The huge baggage vans were emptied of their contents.

要是能借用一下你们的行李车,我想我自己就行。I think I can do it myself if I can borrow your trolley.

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我不能搬所有的行李,我可以用行李车吗?I can't carry all of these bags. May I use this baggage cart?

我去推一辆行李车,您到行李提取处那等我吧。I'll get a pushcart and meet you over there at the Luggage Claim.

一些伤者被放在行李车上,从泰姬陵酒店撤离。Some of the injured were evacuated from the Taj on luggage carts.

我去推一辆行李车,您到行李提取处那里等我吧。I'll get a push-cart and meet you over there at the Luggage Claim.

行李车被装得满满的,里面都是安检过的乘客行李。The baggage car goes full with all the checked luggage of the passengers.

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我方工程师设计的新款行李车非常精巧、实用。相比看真丝面料有哪些。The new type of suitcase car designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practic's.

我方工程师设计的新款行李车万分精美、实用。The new type of suitcase car designed by our engineers is very ingenious and practical.

保持行李房所有行李车及设施的干净,以保持专业的形象。Maintains and cleans all trolley and equipment at Bell Service to maintain a professional image.