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不就是替一个有权有势的乡绅赶车吗?Does not he drive for Squire Make-a-stir?

乡绅和李甫西大夫都非常高兴。The squire and Dr Llvesey were delighted.

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白人、男性乡绅可以投票。The white, male landed gentry could vote.

我从来没这么近打量过乡绅屈利劳尼。I had never seen Squire Trelawney so near.

“不,”乡绅说,“汉兹就是他们的人。”No, ' said the squire. ' Hands was one of them. '

大乡绅的真实结构是这些当中哪一个?Which of these is the actual structure of thane ?

所有动物在实验是光晕大乡绅阴性。All animals in the experiment were halo- thane negative.

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乡绅和利弗西医生手里拿着烟斗,分坐在火焰明亮的壁炉两旁。Livesey sat, pipe in hand, on either side of a bright fire.

麦克白对麦克德夫——伐夫地区的大乡绅一直心存妒意。Macbeth had entertained a jealousy of Macduff, the thane of Fife.

关于邪恶乡绅和土气佃农的传统传奇剧。The traditional melodrama of the wicked squire and rustic tenant.

“利弗西,那肯定就是你或是霍金斯的事了。”乡绅叫道。"Livesey, that must have been you or Hawkins, " cried the squire.

贪污能团结一些当地的乡绅,在一段时间内还能赢得投票。Corruption cemented local baronies and for a good while won votes.

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地方势力——乡绅和军人——的地位仍未改变。Local power holders – the gentry and army men – remained in place.

他们当中除了那个目不识丁的执事,没有一个乡绅。There is not among them an esquire, saving the unlettered magistrate.

“我从未跟人说过那个,”乡绅叫道,“连个鬼也没有!”Possibly, sir, you may not like your employer, either?' says the squire.

这整个地方就是那位家长式乡绅的浪漫想象。The whole place was the romantic vision of the paternalist local squire.

再见,先生,请代我们向乡绅和斯莫列特船长问好。Good-day to you, sir, and all our dooties to the squire and Cap'n Smollett.

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埃罗正在那里等我们,显然他和乡绅非常友好。Mr Ar-row met us, and it was clear that he and the squire were very friendly.

一听到这个,乡绅就会背过脸去,在甲板上走来走去,下巴翘上了天。The squire, at this, would turn away and march up and down the deck, chin in air.

这里有这个乡绅和医生,把持着这张地图——而我不知道它在哪里,我知道吗?Here's this squire and doctor with a map and such--I don't know where it is, do I?