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海军潜水员,退下。Navy diver, stand down.

但是彼得想要一支海军But Peter wanted a navy.

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尼古拉斯是海军学校的一名新学员。Nicholas is a new cadet.

他建立了俄国海军。He founded the Russian navy.

他已应募加入了海军。He has enlisted in the navy.

是英国皇家海军可怕的震慑力?Royal Navy's fearful impose?

这支海军的实力已大大增强。The navy has got up greatly.

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他被定为海军学校见习生的等级。He was rated as a midshipman.

她爸爸是一位海军军官。Herf ather is a naval officer.

海军防守海岸。The navy defends our seacoast.

印度在组建一支强大的海军。India is building a great navy.

她以前是美国海军陆战队冲锋连的。Who was with bravo company usmc.

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你在海军陆战队服役了多少年?How long have you served in USMC?

纳尔逊上将是个海军军官。Admiral nelson was a naval officer.

他是英国海军的一名炮手。He is a gunner of the British navy.

他决定入伍当美国海军陆战队士兵。He decided to enlist in the Marines.

海军上校还活着么?Is the Captain- General still alive?

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这次服役后,我不打算再加入海军队伍了。After the hitch,I will not ship over.

这是舰载机联队以及我们海军的任务。It's about the air wing and our Navy.

你将投效陆军还是海军?Will you enter the Army or the Navy ?