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钓鱼垃圾邮件是一种特定类型的信息,即个人信息的索贿对象。Phishing is a specific type of spam message that solicits personal information from the recipient.

宴请、礼物和其他类似的索贿最令人头疼。“Requests for hospitality, gifts and similar favors are among the most difficult areas, ” she said.

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将近四分之三的检举者称受到不止一次的索贿。Nearly three-quarters of individuals reporting a bribe said they had been asked for bribes more than once.

负责英格兰2018年世界杯申办工作的特里斯曼勋爵称,国际足联官员曾向他索贿。Lord Triesman, who led England's bid for the 2018 tournament, has said FIFA officials asked him for bribes.

在另一方面,有关网站一串相互连接的站长可显示索贿联系。On the other hand, a website with a bunch of reciprocal links could indicate that the webmaster solicits links.

乌干达的警察收入很低,低级警员常常以免予处罚为条件向那些轻微触犯交通法规的人索贿。Uganda's police force is poorly paid, and junior officers often demand bribes to overlook minor traffic offences.

许多公司对这类索贿不知如何应对,因为他们需要顾及自己社交礼仪上的声誉。Many companies have a blind spot when it comes to bribes like these because they have a respectable social veneer.

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不管是索贿型公司、企业人员受贿罪,还是收受贿赂型公司、企业人员受贿罪,“为他人谋取利益”都是其构成要件。Seeking profit for another is the objective constitution of the crime of acceptance of company or enterprise personnel.

这些数据为我们初步了解中国的索贿和受贿现象提供了一个绝好的素材。Data fromthese reports provide a good start for understanding bribe demand reporting and the phenomenon of bribery in China.

游客经常会在交警岗亭遭遇到索贿一类的事情,以至穿越市区会比所需时间超过一小时之久。Visitors most often can encounter it in the police traffic stops that can make a cross-city trip an hour longer than necessary.

这些检举的索贿案例极具代表性,几百年来此类行为一直影响着中国的商业活动。These reports represent the first look at the demand-side of bribery that has influenced business transactions in China for centuries.

通过分析案例具体情况,认定本案中的个别情节完全符合索贿行为的认定,应以受贿罪从重处罚。Though the fact of this case, some details in this case is demand bribe crime, ought to be punished as the bribe crime, but even more.

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援助人员说,泰国和缅甸当局一直力阻边境检查站的警卫向逃离的劳工索贿。Aid workers say Thai and Burmese authorities have moved to stop guards at border checkpoints from demanding bribes from the fleeing workers.

仲裁员在仲裁该案时有索贿受贿、徇私舞弊、枉法裁决行为的。An arbitrator in arbitrating the case asks for or accepts bribes, practices favoritism for personal gain or renders an award by perverting law.

在某影片片断里,一个试图搭乘卡车去工作的女人,在身着制服的警察索贿时,大发脾气。In one dramatic clip, a woman who is trying to board a truck to take her to work flies into a rage after a uniformed policeman demands a bribe.

仲裁员在仲裁该案时有索贿受贿、徇私舞弊、枉法裁决行为的。When arbitrating the case, the arbitrator extorts or accepts bribes, engages in malpractices for personal gain, or perverts the law in making the award.

公司需要制定更加明确的准则来界定腐败行为,培训员工处理索贿情况,在他们拒绝时支持他们。Companies need to develop explicit codes of conduct on corruption, train their staff to handle demands for pay-offs and back them up when they refuse them.

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仲裁员在仲裁该案时有索贿受贿,徇私舞弊,枉法裁决行为的。The arbitrators have committed embezzlement, accepted bribes or done malpractices for personal benefits or perverted the law in the arbitration of the case.

在一个曾被索贿的外国商人向当局检举告发他后,刘很快被双规,而其私人生活的细节也在其落马后第二天浮出水面。Details of Liu Zhihua's colourful private life emerged today after he was sacked from his post when a foreign businessman reported him for extorting a bribe.

联邦调查局特工揭示,他们秘密录下了布拉戈耶维奇及其顾问数百个小时的通话,其中就有他卖官索贿的谈话。FBI agents revealed that they secretly recorded the Blagojevich and his advisers hundreds of hours of conversation, of which there is talk he Maiguan bribes.