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你太狠心了,的确太狠心了!You are cruel, cruel indeed!

你真的好狠心。Do you really good hard-hearted.

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那个狠心的地主不肯给他减租。The cruel landlord would bate him no rent.

去年,她狠心买了一套房子。Last year, she bought a house hard-hearted.

那个狠心的男人舍弃了妻小。The cruel man abandoned his wife and child.

缐事与愿违,是谁狠心伤害了谁?Counterproductive, who is cruel to hurt someone?

最后,芝德内哥勋爵似乎下了狠心。At last Lord Mountdrago seemed to make an effort.

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多狠心呀,把我一个人关在里面,连支蜡烛也不点。It was cruel to shut me up alone without a candle.

实际上生活就是由那一次次的狠心下决定所构成的。Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind.

我现在终于知道我的母亲为什么会那么狠心的对我了!Now I really know that why my mother treat me so crudely !

四季求小宝留下,小宝都狠心地拒绝了。Small treasure left four seasons, xiao bao cruelly rejected.

主人见状,也心生厌恶,狠心地将它丢弃了。Upon seeing the owner, also Heart disgust, cruel to be discarded it.

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多少表面看来是狠心的浪子,其心理状态就是如此。This is the psychology of very many apparently hard-boiled reprobates.

这个狠心的女性把自己的儿如果我是陈奕迅子推向一辆在走驶的汽车,她真是疯了。This hard-hearted woman pushed her son into a ruing car. She's so crazy.

这个狠心的女人把自己的儿子推向一辆正在行驶的汽车,她真是疯了。Ahis hard-hearted woman pushed her son into a running car. She's so crazy.

她捏造出这些谎言是因为她既愚蠢又狠心。She fabricated out of these lies because she was stupid and cruel-hearted.

她狠心想忘了他。走吧。她捡起了一块玻璃碎片。She wants to forget him heartlessly. Let's go. She picks up a glass piece.

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这个狠心的女人把自己的儿子推向一辆正在行驶的汽车,她真是疯了。This hard-hearted woman pushed her son into a running car. She's so crazy.

这个狠心的女人把我自己的儿子推向一辆正在行驶的汽车,她真是疯了。This hard-hearted woman pushed her son into a running car. She's so crazy.

一个人要狠心扭过多少次头,对这一切视若不见?How many times can a man turn his head, and pretending he just doesn't see?